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Best cheat/cover up product? Glazin'.


After another thread below about hand polishing out swirls, and @TomSx mentioned 50 Cal. Cover Up, it got me thinking.

Unfortunately after taking the Zed to BMW, it's been washed and undone all of my correction work. This happened with the Audi and Tripple coupled with C2V3 gave me perfectly acceptable results, since I'm based in London on a road these days...

As I quite enjoy quick fixes these days, what's your go to for glazing? I'll be sticking with Reload for base and Illusion for topping, but would like a really decent depth glaze/AIO.

Also to point out, if you feel Tripple is still your go to, more than happy, as I have umpteen bottles of "Old Faithful".



ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
Autobrite cherry glaze was ok with sample I used. I still use amigo more than anything else.

If it's a single wash and swirls I'd just run a machine over it using car pro reflect.

It deserves that at least ;)
  172 cup clio v6 st
50 cal detailing filler glaze is what you need,its so good for hand correcting ,iam now selling all my other glazes its that good


ClioSport Club Member
As above. Black hole is what I've used before cover up and it doesn't have a patch on it imo
  Z4 Coupe
Great thread, this is exactly what I'm looking for. I've used Tripple, but I fancy another option as a comparison.

Gtechniq P1?
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
Still think tripple is difficult to best. DDJ need for speed didn't touch it for finish. Britemax AIO max is next to try but most glazes don't really do much better


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
The likes of Amigo, blackmax, backhoe, EZ creme and others is there is no bite by hand or on rougher paint. Tripple etc and lime Prime for eg bite and cleanse and fill by hand hence the finish being much better.

It's like taking a rough car and using Srp vs Amigo, SRP would piss it as it has so much more bite.

50 cal is the only thing advertised as a glaze that has some bite and body to it imo. I still can't get on with Tripple that much so 50cal gets my vote or lime Prime which I'd use over Tripple any day of the week.


ClioSport Club Member
I'd say stick with Tripple, You know where you stand with it and it's good at what it does.

Not tried 50 Cal Cover Up yet though, Blackhole is ok but I'd say Tripple trumps it.


ClioSport Club Member
I'm sure you've seen my other pics but this is the cover up a few days later. This even has a layer of fine dust on and it's still shines bright.

20150423_122613 by tomwh1te, on Flickr

Plus the pics from just after doing it..
20150421_192135 by tomwh1te, on Flickr

20150421_194937 by tomwh1te, on Flickr

20150421_194945 by tomwh1te, on Flickr

20150421_200018 by tomwh1te, on Flickr
