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Best Windows 7 Phone Upcoming

  Mito Sportiva 135
I've seen the new Windows 7 for phone formats going to support an Xbox Live interface - so even thuogh I like Android, I love Xbox and the possibility of online gaming on my phone.

I have an HTC Hero right now, which I think is great, so ideally would get another HTC with this software.

Any of you guys more ITK than me know what is coming over the horizon, in the next 9-12 months?

  Clio 182 cup'd
I'm not in the know, but I've seen a few spoilers of new phones floating around online. Have a look on engadget for the latest information.

Windows 7 phone looks impressive so we'll have to wait and see if it lives up to expectations!
  Citroen DS3 DSport
It looks impressive but the most recent OS builds show that it will lack several handy features that most of us expect from a phone now, copy and paste is one example. The iPhone lacked several functions on original release too so hopefully Microsoft will add this at a later date in the same way Apple did.
  Clio 182 cup'd
It looks impressive but the most recent OS builds show that it will lack several handy features that most of us expect from a phone now, copy and paste is one example. The iPhone lacked several functions on original release too so hopefully Microsoft will add this at a later date in the same way Apple did.

Yup, I think it was lacking multitasking as well. Still, the UI looks impressive!
  Mito Sportiva 135
Surely they are pretty basic features they can add though? Seems a bit silly not to have that kind of functionality?


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Well the excuse is "the iphone wasnt fully featured at launch" That would be fine except for the fact that was 2007.

Plus the only ecosystem in the UK is Xbox, Zune has been US only up until now. I think it will struggle.
They're 3rd and they're badly 3rd.

They need to bring out a product that's perfect in every possible single way. No 'It needs this' 'The next update will have...' they don't have time to waste while the competition gets further ahead.

If it's not going to honestly compete as the best OS, they need to give up. It's destined for failure TBH.

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
They're 3rd and they're badly 3rd.

They need to bring out a product that's perfect in every possible single way. No 'It needs this' 'The next update will have...' they don't have time to waste while the competition gets further ahead.

If it's not going to honestly compete as the best OS, they need to give up. It's destined for failure TBH.

Very true and they'll also have to come up with some bloody good apps and quickly to stand much of a chance.
  Clio 182 cup'd
Well the excuse is "the iphone wasnt fully featured at launch" That would be fine except for the fact that was 2007.

Plus the only ecosystem in the UK is Xbox, Zune has been US only up until now. I think it will struggle.

Yeah because copy and paste was a new thing on phones in 2007?...

We should let it launch and see what happens, there's no point shooting
It down before a final version has been seen. I agree it needs these things in place to be successful though.
