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Bitcoins (and other crypto currencies)


ClioSport Club Member
  Mint 1*2's for sale-
Brilliant update by tradetravelchill today

20 BILLION of liquidations this weekend.



ClioSport Club Member
Buy now, while cheap, or forever regret.

But for now.

View attachment 1598427

Sums up NFTs at present.

Joke joke, some people are making real cash on it.

Surely the popularity of NFT's are a good indicator the market reached peak stupidity and was due a crash?

If people are willing to put good money into that they're just begging to lose everything.


ClioSport Moderator
Surely the popularity of NFT's are a good indicator the market reached peak stupidity and was due a crash?

If people are willing to put good money into that they're just begging to lose everything.
NFTS are different. They are worth what people want. They will eventually fizzle out but the real market play here is, normal stocks are shares are down.
Oh and someone wants eth and btc cheap!!

Thats the goal here.


ClioSport Club Member
As if the ponzi's and pump and dumps weren't bad enough...

Voyager (which has just stopped withdrawals and looks doomed) lured people in with a fake advertising of funds being protected by FDIC. Surprise, they bent the truth and no customers funds are protected by FDIC.


ClioSport Club Member
  ST3 8.5
This will send shock waves,

Hedgefunds collapsing,

Oh & if that wasn’t reducing confidence a company valued @ billions last year just been bought/ bailed out for a few million!!



ClioSport Club Member
  VW T6
This last few months has shown how truly fucked the crypto world really is!

I have a Friend who was adamant on buying X every single month. Think he was/is heavy into BTC and ETH.

I'm glad I didn't bother tbh


ClioSport Club Member
This last few months has shown how truly fucked the crypto world really is!

I have a Friend who was adamant on buying X every single month. Think he was/is heavy into BTC and ETH.

I'm glad I didn't bother tbh
I mean, I am totally an amateur and even posted on here last year saying I have just purchased a Ledger cold wallet but was only going to play for a year or so to get used to it before the bear market hits.

I am literally as novice as you get and I was literally waiting for this to invest? Do investors not actually research anymore?
  R26.R & 200T
This last few months has shown how truly fucked the crypto world really is!

I have a Friend who was adamant on buying X every single month. Think he was/is heavy into BTC and ETH.

I'm glad I didn't bother tbh

But then if he’s invested wisely in the right crypto’s he’ll be fine aslong as he’s willing to hold and ride the storm. Crypto is not going anywhere and prices will rise again in due course.


ClioSport Club Member
  ST3 8.5
But then if he’s invested wisely in the right crypto’s he’ll be fine aslong as he’s willing to hold and ride the storm. Crypto is not going anywhere and prices will rise again in due course.

If he has invested in the past year he’s fooked?

Or fooling himself, only those who bought large when it was peanuts are winning still.

Imagine going to bed in a four bedroom detached house & waking up in a cardboard box!
  R26.R & 200T
If he has invested in the past year he’s fooked?

Or fooling himself, only those who bought large when it was peanuts are winning still.

Imagine going to bed in a four bedroom detached house & waking up in a cardboard box!
Yes I understand what your saying, he’s down on last year etc, there’s not many people that isn’t tbh. But if you think this is the end of crypto or as good as it gets your very wrong. When ISO20022 etc kicks in it will be a multi trillion dollar industry 100fold which is why I say if he Invested in the right one he will get his money back at some point but he’s just got to ride the wave at the moment.

Obvs if he’s put his life savings into it and can’t afford to live then he’s stupid, should only put in money your willing to lose.

and for the peanuts quote, most of them are peanuts now compared to what they will be in 5 years time. Your still very early into crypto, a lot of people don’t understand this


ClioSport Club Member
If he has invested in the past year he’s fooked?

Or fooling himself, only those who bought large when it was peanuts are winning still.

Imagine going to bed in a four bedroom detached house & waking up in a cardboard box!
But surely imagine If that cardboad box had the ability to grow into the biggest house in good time.
  R26.R & 200T
And you can guarantee this?

Sent from my SM-G991B using Tapatalk
Definitely, depending on what he’s invested in. There’s over 14,000 crypto’s, 99% are complete crap and will not exist soon once regulations come in, but the 1% of tokens that have utility or a function will survive. So if he’s invested in dogecoin etc then bad decision, if he’s done his homework and research and looked into what tokens will be used for the blockchain then he will be fine. But going by the other persons post he’s invested in Bitcoin and Ethereum, which he will be fine, even thou they are crap, overrated and have crap technology behind them but there still big players.


ClioSport Club Member
I think that 99% of crypto's are complete crap is a major problem for the entire industry, along with the two most popular coins also being flawed.

You've essentially got to burn the entire industry to the ground to free the genuinely decent coins, otherwise they'll always be stuck in the shadow of the mighty bitcoin.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Sentiment is a funny thing. Look at all the fud and doom when the bear market was always on the cards. Looking back on this post it's the same. Euphoria when up and scam ponzi when it's down.
  R26.R & 200T
Crypto is no different to the .com boom in the 90’s.
it’s just new technology that people don’t understand and the older generation don’t like the change.
People was scared back then to even make an email address, and to put your bank card details online to buy something was a no no. But fast forward 20 years and everything’s online, all your details etc is stored online.
Just takes time but everyone at the moment is early to crypto, we haven’t even got regulations yet.
if you do your research and wait patiently your be fine.


ClioSport Club Member
Crypto has been around for 14 years now, and we've still found no use for it other than buying drugs online and using it as a speculative asset to convert back to more fiat currency.

It's had billions poured in to it in VC money, and still no good use for it found.

How much longer do we have to wait for it to become something, what is it even trying to become?

Compare that rate of change with the rate of change of the .com boom, which brought the internet in to our homes and fundamentally changed the way we live our lives.
  R26.R & 200T
Crypto has been around for 14 years now, and we've still found no use for it other than buying drugs online and using it as a speculative asset to convert back to more fiat currency.

It's had billions poured in to it in VC money, and still no good use for it found.

How much longer do we have to wait for it to become something, what is it even trying to become?

Compare that rate of change with the rate of change of the .com boom, which brought the internet in to our homes and fundamentally changed the way we live our lives.
If you think it’s to only to buy drugs you really need to do some research. You need to look into where crypto is going and what’s it’s intention is to be used for.

Other than run the financial system for the next 100 years.

Well without crypto you wouldnt really have a blockchain, which is the future for the fincacial system, the way you own a house, the way you buy a car, the way you play video games etc etc. Things take time. But the way things are at the moment will be a thing of the past. Just like the way the internet changed everything.

Yes but in the .com boom all the companies went straight onto the stock markets, with proper rules and regulations in place.
crypto does not trade on the stocks markets as there not deemed securities (just for arguments sake). So crypto has no rules and regulations at the moment, which is why your seeing all these companies go pop, or likes of Luna where they take everyone’s money because no one governs it. Once regulations come into play money will pile into the right ones and 99% of the crap will be wiped out. The 1% left will be the companies that actually have utility and do something.


ClioSport Club Member
I know several companies are looking at Blockchain but it's not rolled out as quickly as perhaps hoped.

The Australian stock exchange had hoped to get it going in 2020, that's been pushed back to 2023. I'd imagine quite a few are keeping tabs on development to see how the system behaves, and if it is actually worth the effort changing over.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
It's here to stay. Once CBDCs start to appear then watch it all fall into place. I do agree there are too many shitcoins out there but they won't be about long. Utility is the key.


ClioSport Club Member
Pretty sure I've been hearing about how utility is around the corner for 10 years+ and it's still not here

Next Year though, definitely


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
It's worth remembering that it's very early in this technology in the grand scheme of things. There is no overnight millionaires. It will take time and it's a bumpy ride.
