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Black cars are awesome


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172FF
Just clayed the front end of my car (the only chance I get is after work, so I'm doing a section at a time...), and it's awesome - apart from the stone chips. Black cars look mint when they're clean. But my mate's got a white GT-Four, and he says black cars are awesome, but white cars are faster... I really don't want to loose this argument...:mad:


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172FF
Tell me about it. In a desperate attempt to keep it shiney I ran a microfiber over it in the car park while I was waiting for my girlfriend to come out of work. I must have looked like such an idiot... :S

But it was shiney again! And that's what's important...

Isn't it?
  172 ph2
I find it slightly depressing spending hours cleaning it, not driving anywhere, then the next morning it has magically aquired dirt overnight !
  C-VXR, T8 Map 220BHP
ive just got a black car. ive had 3 in the past but had my flammer for 4 years, forgot how much work they are. but when i had the last one i was a student so had bags of free time! didnt think of that b4 i got my new one!

Sorry i had to. lol.
  106 GTi
No other colour looks as good, no other colour gets a dirty as quickly.

30 seconds up the road and it looks dirty, 30 days in a silver car and it would look cleaner than the former ...
  172 ph2
aye I had a silver car before and once it was polished/waxed etc it just stayed clean for weeks ! Even in the rain any dirt was barely noticetable. It also seemed easier to actually get it clean too.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
i always swear now that i will never buy another black car after this clio
but i still find myself looking at ones to buy! lol they look so shiny!
when its cleaned you know its looks the shiz no other colour can
come close when cleaned and polished imo
  Mk3 SX
I had a silver clio before my black one and i could go without cleaning it for a month nd it would still look clean. Not so with the black one though but it does look oh so good after a good going over.
  Clio MK 4
I wont buy black cars for that reason. I cant stand dirty cars. I have to wash my silver clio every weekend without fail and for me it looks dirty the week after.
  Clio 172 mk2
I've owned two black cars and would never buy another total ball-ache to keep clean and shows every single little scratch/chip
  BG 182

Black cars looks so nice when they are cleaned up, they need a lot of TLC though to keep the paintwork looking good all the time, i did mine on sunday (pictured above) and its already dirty! lol
  black gold 182
my black gold does look awesome when the sun hits it which makes it all worth it for me.

im a sucka for punishment, this was my last car....

spent hours and hours cleaning and waxing :boring:


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Mines black, I drive it however, so I'm not concerned with all that swirl shizzle, the person that buys it after me, can buff that out using surf board wax and a cloth made from the inner thigh skin of 13 yr old bolivan virgins, I'll be in the pub.
  Mini Cooper S sport
Yes, they're lovely when they're clean..which isn't for long.

Had a black 172 for a year and got pissed off with cleaning it all the time, once I'd spent fcuking ages washing it, drove home down the motorway and had to go past a gritter which was in the middle lane - sh!te all over it again GRRRRR.

Wouldn't ever get black again - well they do say "Once you've had black, you never go back" ;)

Nearly bought a white R26 but realised I'd have the same issue.

Racing blue is great for hiding the dirt - my car was absolutely covered in salt and crap, then it rained and washed it all off and it looked clean again! Bonus :)
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