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Blackgold 182 update

Thanks to my mates I've got these nice pics to show
Anthracite door badges, black repeaters and Renault f1 stickers
Looking forward to drop the baby a couple of cms (maybe sportiline to start with)






Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Lovely - BG is such an awesome colour when clean.
  Fabia VRS & Yeti
Nice, I wish mine was that clean! Sportlines are good value for money and you can sell them on if you change your mind!
Just get rid of the pea shooter exhaust tips!:rasp:
  b/g 182, meg tourer
very tidy. like that a lot.
just not a keen on the standard wheels and exhaust tho. the wheels are heavy and do not aid brake cooling, and the tailpipes are far too small for the cut outs. not that those things are you're fault tho!
  Fabia VRS & Yeti
"pea shooter" lol
what have you got on?
Just a Milltek, which is bordering on untastefully large tailpipes but sounds ok! Standards seem weedy compared to all the aftermarket and custom exhausts imo;)
Mine was rusted to fcuk anyway!
Just a Milltek, which is bordering on untastefully large tailpipes but sounds ok! Standards seem weedy compared to all the aftermarket and custom exhausts imo;)
Mine was rusted to fcuk anyway!

I love the Milltek one, both size and sound.
However thats what i mean to do just waiting mine gets rusted to f**k first ;)
  M3 SMG
Pea shooters are understated, i have a Janspeed one and think it looks a bit daft.

Thats a stunning example, the anthra bullets look factory and im a big fan of the F1 stickets, unsure on the flag thing though.

Very nice example, makes me wish i got a black one!
  RSC 182 Cup
Love the photos Italian_Job.....

Looks like you know how to use a camera. Love the depth of field in some of thos photos.
