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Blue climate control unit display?

  Clio 172 sport
Hey everyone, I just installed some white dials, which illuminate blue and also changed my clock/ radio display to blue. Has anyone done the climate control unit? I was wondering if it would be easy to change the bulbs for the buttons and display so that they match my speedo and clock display? Any help would be appreciated :D


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Have you changed the dials or have you changed the lights. If so it's an entirely different job and not going to be fun!

Mixture of plcc-2 and plcc-4
  Clio 172 sport
I just changed the dials. I have plenty of time at the moment so might just have to mission it. Once the unit is out, is it easy to get to the bulbs?


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
They aren't bulbs, they are smds with are about 3x3mm and have to be soldered to the board.

I take it you changed the facia of the dials then and didn't do the circuit board. Plasma dials?
  Clio 172 sport
They aren't bulbs, they are smds with are about 3x3mm and have to be soldered to the board.

I take it you changed the facia of the dials then and didn't do the circuit board. Plasma dials?

AAh wow that sounds pretty hard. I'll have to get try and persuade my mate to do it lol. Haha yeah mate, they're the ones.
  Clio 172 sport
I'll have to learn how to solder because the climate control being orange looks a little strange now. Thanks for the help. About the plasma dials.... yeah I know what you mean. I will try to do the climate control unit first. Cheers! :)
This topic gets covered every few days.

If you don't know what you're looking for, just buy a kit from here:

Guide One: (Phase 1 dash - but still relevant)

Guide Two:

My 182:


Lots of soldering to be done but doable in a morning.
Doing the standard head units was one of the s**ttiest soldering jobs I've ever done. Luckily in my own car I have an after market lump. :) I've done a few Clio's now but can't be arsed to do anymore.

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