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Broadband Speeding up...


ClioSport Club Member
I regularly test my BB speeds due to it being quite frankly shocking.

Over the last couple of weeks I have noticed that my speed has been increasing, Are BT upgrading anything?


ClioSport Club Member
Definitely not fibre optic.... Its gone up to about 2.5 which is still shocking but it was only just over 1 back in November when we moved in and it had stayed at that for ages and then literally in the last 2 weeks its creeped up.
My area isn't getting FTTC until 2015.. Its an absolute joke. I hate the fact that BT have a huge monopoly on broadband - shouldn't be allowed.
  Audi A3
I worked for BT global services for all of a month and one off their techs showed us how he went from 15meg to 98meg just by making the line think it was bigger than it actually was!
  Honda. Tesla Someday
My area isn't getting FTTC until 2015.. Its an absolute joke. I hate the fact that BT have a huge monopoly on broadband - shouldn't be allowed.

Do you actually know what you're on about...!? I think not. Do you have any idea what is involved with all this?? Do you know why its turned out this way?

I think not.

Easy for you to sit there and cry like a baby! How about you find out whats involved before making uneducated assumptions.

Ignorance is bliss for some I guess....
  2.2 bar shed.
Makes me sick that I can get 100MB out in the sticks in Portugal, here I struggle to get 8mb... :/
  Audi A3
BT dOnt have a monopoly over broadband. Their not allowed to. Every line that the have they have to make available to their competitors.
  Tesla MP3 2021
I worked for BT global services for all of a month and one off their techs showed us how he went from 15meg to 98meg just by making the line think it was bigger than it actually was!

Yeah and if they could do that for everyone they wouldn't have a network!
Do you actually know what you're on about...!? I think not. Do you have any idea what is involved with all this?? Do you know why its turned out this way?

I think not.

Easy for you to sit there and cry like a baby! How about you find out whats involved before making uneducated assumptions.

Ignorance is bliss for some I guess....

For a start I don't care about how the infrastructure is set up etc - all I care about is getting a decent broadband speed which I pay for. Especially since I am on the border of 2 towns and one already has FTTC/FTTN (and is a smaller town) where the other one (which im connected to) has a full exchange and some people can't get a new internet connection! It is an absolute shambles.
  RIP Dan
For a start I don't care about how the infrastructure is set up etc - all I care about is getting a decent broadband speed which I pay for. Especially since I am on the border of 2 towns and one already has FTTC/FTTN (and is a smaller town) where the other one (which im connected to) has a full exchange and some people can't get a new internet connection! It is an absolute shambles.

If you understood then you would maybe you could get your head around why it isn't complete yet.

There is so much to consider.

Just think of a totally unreasonable demand in your own industry, with a ridiculously unmanageable time frame to complete a gargantuan task, with not much funding and a chance that you are never going to get your investment back. Done that?

OK now you may have an idea of what the providers have ahead.

But that's OK, you want faster broadband so you must have it.

Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will a fibre network due to the nature of the medium and costs involved.

I live on a 9x5 mile Island and we are nowhere near a decent fibre network, we also pay through the nose.....4-6 times more than you. The local providers are starting to plan a fibre n/w now and it is a 20 year ongoing project......on a small Island.

Make the best of what you have and keep up to date with whats going on with your Telco.

The monopoly comment is utter bullshit too, you should check your facts before spouting off.
  Honda. Tesla Someday
For a start I don't care about how the infrastructure is set up etc - all I care about is getting a decent broadband speed which I pay for. Especially since I am on the border of 2 towns and one already has FTTC/FTTN (and is a smaller town) where the other one (which im connected to) has a full exchange and some people can't get a new internet connection! It is an absolute shambles.

Do you know what is involved in FTTC? Are you under some illusion that its as simple as flicking a switch!?

New fibre cables need to be put in the ground, hundreds of them, all going to hundreds of FTTC cabs, which then go out to each household. Why should you be a priority? What makes you so special.

The workforce is working 24/7/365, if you even knew the half of it you'd know how difficult is it planning all this, getting councils permission PER STREET and handling the job in hand! Like Bully said, THINK before you make silly remarks.

Oh and just incase you come back with some crap like "Japan has a fibre network blah blah why can't we?", the reason is that we have a HUGE fibre network already for business etc. BUT the difference is, when all this started we were first in with COPPER, leading the way. Then Japan went in with Fibre from the get go, hence why they are ahead now. We have to replace the copper network with a fibre network. Its a HUGE task that will take time, but as you may have heard, its ahead of schedule (which is amazing) and we're breaking down all sorts of barriers!

Hang in there and stop throwing your toys out your pram.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Is there anyway that i can get better speed? Ive had the line tested a few times, most recently by Orange on Tuesday and im only getting 1 meg. They have offered to renew my contract giving me a new and so called improved router which apparantly will help but unsure wether it would improve the speed. Apart from moving house what are my options?

  Honda. Tesla Someday
Is there anyway that i can get better speed? Ive had the line tested a few times, most recently by Orange on Tuesday and im only getting 1 meg. They have offered to renew my contract giving me a new and so called improved router which apparantly will help but unsure wether it would improve the speed. Apart from moving house what are my options?


Who is your current BB supplier?

If you are currently working on a BT line, test the line speed by checking your phone number here:

Click the grey box which says check your speed.

Another option, if working off a BT phone line, is to buy an 'iPlate'. This improves the connection and has helped people reduce noise on their line. These are cheap and easy to fit:

If your line is not capable of a fast enough speed because you are too far from the exchange, then you will have to wait for BT Infinity to go live in your area. This will enable you to get 40MBPS.

check here to see if you can get BT Infinity:

If not and you can't wait for it, see if Virgin Media covers your area, they will run a new cable to your house and you should get better connection depending on if they have a FTTC network in your area. I've even heard of them running solid fibre cables to properties. See what happens.

Hope this helps.

(yes I work for BT).


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Thanks very much for that. I cant check the speed as im in work but when i checked with regards to bt infinity its not avaliable in my area yet. But the suggested speed is anywhere from 0.75- 2.5, but estimated at 1.00 which is what i thought. Funny thing is i dont live far from the exchange. Oh and my broadband provider is Orange, which i pay £9 p/month

  Bumder With A Buffer
Don't buy an iplate. Just open the faceplate and remove the bell wire.

All the iplate does is remove the bell wire without the need to open the mastersocket.

Before I get jumped on and told I'm chatting s**t the I plate contains literally 2 inductors that cancel the noise from the bell wire. It's just a convinient way to get rid of it without opening the mastersocket.


Also a question maybe for bully and deekay, why wont/cant BT upgrade their dslams to ADSL 2+? France Telecom use copper wires and our kit has to be able to hold the line at 24 meg whilst running a line test.

I have an ADSL 2 + dslam and a cable farm of BT spec cable and at 3 km can run at 24meg. Seems to me that they could just upgrade the dslams? Plus the state of the exchanges are terrible at the minute!
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  Honda. Tesla Someday
Don't buy an iplate. Just open the faceplate and remove the bell wire.

All the iplate does is remove the bell wire without the need to open the mastersocket.

Before I get jumped on and told I'm chatting s**t the I plate contains literally 2 inductors that cancel the noise from the bell wire. It's just a convinient way to get rid of it without opening the mastersocket.


Also a question maybe for bully and deekay, why wont/cant BT upgrade their dslams to ADSL 2+? France Telecom use copper wires and our kit has to be able to hold the line at 24 meg whilst running a line test.

I have an ADSL 2 + dslam and a cable farm of BT spec cable and at 3 km can run at 24meg. Seems to me that they could just upgrade the dslams? Plus the state of the exchanges are terrible at the minute!

No point upgrading the DSLAMS if you are investing in a complete residential fibre network, doesn't make sense!

Better to invest in the future rather than spend money maxing out old tech. :)
  Bumder With A Buffer
I understand that but adsl 2+ has been out for yeeeaaaaarrrrssssss!! They have been spending millions reapiring old shitty systems and could of migrated years ago.

Christ we are still looking after their Noms1 system and X25 which is silly outdated. And some of the gateway alarm systems too.

Meh I digress!
