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BT / Internet query

  Not a Clio
To save me sitting in a queue does anyone know the answer to this?

The BT line at our new place should be connected on Monday 10th March, how long do we need to wait before we could have broadband on the line? I'm just going to move my existing pipex account across.

Edit: Seems Sky LLU is available, so might switch to that as it's only £10 as opposed to the £24.99 I currently pay.
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  172 A Cupwork Orange™
Generaly after your line is enabled you have to wait upto 14 days i think you can find out on the bt website though mate
  Tesla MP3 2021
as long as the order for the new line has been clossed off on the BT system you will be able to order straight away :)
  Tesla MP3 2021
Sorry mate I miss read slightly. You can order the bb straight away but it will take 10 days or so for it to go live.
  Not a Clio
So as soon as it's connected I should be able to phone my BB provider and say I've moved, can you set me up and then just wait for them to do it?
  Tesla MP3 2021
Yep :). But I would make sure with BT first that the job has been closed as engineers sometimes wait to the end of the day to close down their jobs.
  Not a Clio
Would probably call the following day to be honest anyway, it's all going to be a bit hectic. Cheers for the info mate :)

£62.50 to get BT to connect the line! and that's half price because I've agreed to an 18 month minimum line rental contract. Normally it's £124.99!
  Not a Clio
One more query.

dslzoneuk says:

"Your line is capable of 6 Mbps or above." Does that mean I should get a maximum of at least 6 Mbps?
  172 Cup
One more query.

dslzoneuk says:

"Your line is capable of 6 Mbps or above." Does that mean I should get a maximum of at least 6 Mbps?

All these line speed checkers use an antiquated BT database and AT BEST it's a guesstimate.
  Tesla MP3 2021
Like Griff has said those checkers use a number of different BT based sources to try and figure out your best speed so ther are hardly ever correct. I.e on my currenty 23Mbps connection If i check my line It says I will get 6.5Mbps and above lol - well derrr!!!!!

Unfortunately for you, you wont really know untill your bb goes live.
  Not a Clio
Cheers guys. If it's peaking around the 6 Mbps mark that will do me, anything else is a bonus and less is a disappointment. Sky Max is up to 16 Mbps so we'll see.
