Currently awaitigna loan to buy a new car due to last one being written of by ma mum. Anyhow been looking at various 182s and wanted advice from people who have driven/owned them.
http://www.gibsoncarsales.co.uk/ - clio 182 obv . fairly low miles within budget. Opinions on the colour/maintance that will be needed with in a year or 2 ? value ?
http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/429424.htm - low miles, no warrenty etc ?
Looking for the sport rather than a cup. going to about 7.5k. Any other sujestions welcome.
Thanks for any help
Currently awaitigna loan to buy a new car due to last one being written of by ma mum. Anyhow been looking at various 182s and wanted advice from people who have driven/owned them.
http://www.gibsoncarsales.co.uk/ - clio 182 obv . fairly low miles within budget. Opinions on the colour/maintance that will be needed with in a year or 2 ? value ?
http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/429424.htm - low miles, no warrenty etc ?
Looking for the sport rather than a cup. going to about 7.5k. Any other sujestions welcome.
Thanks for any help