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Caffeine & Machine Meet


ClioSport Club Member
I guess the end of the day its not & show'n'shine thing,more social & chat cars,look at other cars & others clios we have all come in,have a Coffee or beer.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, Merc C180 Est
I’d like to come in a clean car. But realistically I won’t have time and it’s seems pointless if the roads up will be wet.
May clean the wheels Friday evening though.


Bon Jovi Officianado
ClioSport Club Member
I'm going. I'm attempting to clean mine now but f**k me it's hot and I really can't be arsed!
This! I’ve told the wife I’m cleaning the car tonight. But likely I’ll f**k off to the pub like last night.

Not sure why people are bailing. It’s not like rain is a new thing for the U.K. it will be summer showers and C&M is well catered for downpours


ClioSport Club Member
  172 PH1
I bet its going to piss down where I am driving up, then be clear when I arrive covered in s**t. Think il still go....


ClioSport Club Member
@RustyMojo I washed the car. I think I sweated out more fluid than what went on the car! Got myself a bit of colour though!

All its done is highlight all the chips and scuffs! But alas, come rain or shine, I'm still looking forward to it.

I went to the seaside yesterday and it was predicted rain midday till 3pm. Turned out it was sunny all with it being high 20's, so hopefully the rain will pass on Saturday anyway. But even if it does, it'll be so hot, it'll dry quick.


ClioSport Club Member
  SQ5,RB182 Cup,PB 182
Also drop your name down if your meeting us at Birchanger & not on that list,looking forward to it boys 👍🏻
I’m joining the south central guys on the way through Oxford. A few people from SC have dropped out due to the rsin possibility


ClioSport Club Member
  GTi 7.5 pp/Mx5 nd2
Was gonna kill 2 birds with one stone and see my brother but he's going down south now so I'm not coming anymore I'm afraid. If they don't refund me I'll have a ticket spare most likely unless he changes his plans


ClioSport Club Member
  172 PH1
I might be in a Saxo if I can't find the keys to my Rallye, which is blocking the bloody Clio in! f**k!


ClioSport Club Member
  172 PH1
Sorry wrong thread. Though I have no idea how to edit or delete posts on this forum.


ClioSport Club Member
  BMW I4 M50
Well… it’s been forecasting heavy rain all week, even last night when I checked and Ofcourse it’s dry and the suns out!!

Have a good time peeps
