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Can anybody identify this cable please , part of looms which runs to alternator

  clio 172
Can anybody identify where this goes ?????

im thinking in could be part of the brown connector which I think Is the oil level possibly ?

does this need soldering to this sensor as I'm unsure ?

its a pinky peach colour

  clio 172

This one too ? I've already got one connected onto starter Motor . Any ideas . It's just below expansion tank


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
Top one is (I think) A/C compressor control and the bottom looks like the loom to gearbox earth


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
Back of the gearbox just above where the 'wet' driveshaft bolts in.
  clio 172
There is a small white cable also which I assume is for my alternator as that had been cut too but the core size of the cable looks slight and the only other cable was the peach pink cable but I have no air con so that must be that I guess
  LY FF182
Think brown plug is knock sensor, peach as Mick said is AC, suppose to have a one way socket terminal on it too. And the earth is as said by Mick.
  clio 172
Yeah I have a white and a peach one so it looks like the white is the neg for alternator so will get that connected up
