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Cant connect to the internet

  BG 182 (full fat)
I can connect, but i cant connect to the internet. there is no green earth if you get me. when i click network and sharing center, my PC links up to the wireless adapter, but then there is a red x to where its supposed to link up to the internet. a message appeared about a problem with a DNS but it could just be guessing.
  BG 182 (full fat)
yes mate, restarted and gone through setup again. its never happend before and i havnt messed with anything, i just couldnt connect when i tried going on the net before. do you think there is something up with talktalk, that is who im with


  Audi TT Stronic
do some basic diagnosis.

Does the router have internet connectivity ?
If yes, does do you get connectivity using a cable ?
if yes, check you are connected ok to the wireless then check the address allocation on the wireless adapter and ensure the dns server and gateway look sane.

Once you have done that we will have a better idea of what the problem may be.
