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changing brake fluid

attempted to change my brake fluid today, but it went a bit wrong and i abandoned it!

got the gunson eazibleed kit, and put the cap on the reservior in place of the normal one, and all was fine until i connected up the spare tyre to pressurise it (yeah i made sure it was under 20psi). it seems the pressure filled the reservior to mx and then the fluid started spilling out of the seal id made! should it do this?! i had put a seal in the gunson cap but there were so many i didnt know which to use!

i got the fluid back to max level and gave up there coz i was gettin a bit freaked about spewin paint stripper everywhere! anyone got any tips on how to do it better?!


do it the old fashioned way then.....

Put teh bottle on the bleed nipple then pump teh pedal fast.....make sure you dont run out of fluid though! lol

Yeah I have one of those so called easy bleed things. I used it once and thought it was rubbish so it sits in the garage. Went back to the old rubber tube with a split and got soemone to pump the brakes as I bled it nipple by nipple.

Cant beat the old fashioned way sometimes!

so if you dont use the kit and do it the old fashioned way, do you just keep topping the reservoir up while someone pumps the brake kit and you bleed the brakes? i take it the brake fluids dont mix then, ie the new fluid sits on top of the old stuff?

steve-rt yeah doing it the old fashioned way, requires a buddy to pump the brakes and also an eye on the level in the reservior, dont let it drop too low, or you will have to do it all again, order to do them is in haynes, but if you aint got manual, you are supposed to start with the brake closest to master cyl. and then its opposite corner then same with other side, bleed kits are hard to seal and they always fill the reserevior like that, annoying, have fun anyway
