OK fed up of searching round for cheap insurance but I have found a place that is very cheap and they do the searching.
I have a 172 Garaged in the Essex (Lakeside) area. Clifford 500 Cat 1 alarm. I cover 6000 miles or less a year, 29 years old, 1 SP50 4 years ago and 1 claim over 3 years ago (Coming to over £600). Full no claims.
£ 545 including legal cover, curtosy car and £250 excess + protected no claims.
Not bad considering it beat Elephant by £40 (Which didnt have no claims protected).
The company is called A-Plan http://www.a-plan.co.ukwww.a-plan.co.uk give them a bell they get back to you with the best quote and I was really suprised with this.