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Citrus Power - the reviews thread

This thread is here for all of our customers and members of the product test panel to submit reviews, pictures and discuss our product Citrus Power.

An over view of Citrus Power:

Citrus power is a wax and sealant safe pre wash that comes pre diluted for an array of different situations. Perfect for when shampoos need a helping hand. It does this by removing light surface contaminants such as grease, oil, bug splatter, road salt, traffic film and other road grime. Citrus Power’s high foaming nature allows contaminants and dirt to wash away with ease. Intern this leaves you with a cleaner surface to then under take your wash routine using the two-bucket method.

Intended uses:

Bug Splatter and Road Grime
Through out the year a daily driver can become covered with different bug splatter and road grime, and can often be hard to remove once dried. This causes issues on the wash process and can lead to people scrubbing hard on the paint to remove the baked on splatter and grime, intern this can create marring and swirls on the surface.
Citrus power eliminates this. Simply spray the Citrus Power onto the area and allow dwelling whilst Citrus Power does all the work for you. Then remove the splatter with fresh water, be it from a garden hose or pressure washer.





Lower Body Panels
Areas on the lower half of a vehicle often collect the most dirt on the car and can be the cause of swirl marks. Places such as sills, wings and be hind the front wheels often become the dirtiest from road grime, road salts, grease and brake dust. By adding Citrus Power into your wash routine as a prewash you can remove a lot of this dirt before you take a wash mitt or sponge to your paint work. Spray Citrus Power on the lower half of your car before the wash stage, and allow dwelling for five to ten minutes before rinsing off.



Wheels, Tires and Wheel Arches
Often the use of a heavy wheel cleaner is not always needed to produce the finish desired, especially when wheels have been previously waxed with a wheel wax such as Mint Rims. Spray the wheel and tire in Citrus Power and allow dwelling. If needed, agitate the dirty wheel and tire to release any trapped in dirt. Once agitated, rinse the dirt away with fresh water. This process also works well with wheel arches.





Engine Bays
Engine bays can be a worrying area for many when it comes to detailing. Citrus Power makes light work engines bays, new and old. The cleaning agents in Citrus power break down all types of typical dirt, grease and oil found around the engine bay and is safe on painted parts, plastics and exposed metals. Often agitating is needed to release hard in dirt.



We would love to hear what you make of Citrus Power and what other uses you can find for it…


ClioSport Admin
Copied from an earlier thread

Received my BOGOF citrus power today. I'm getting quite the collection. I actually love @Auto Finesse


Anyway... The car is still pretty clean from last weeks detail. But it's picked up a light dusting of grime on the lower extremities.

Beading well, dodo juice is matching spirit for gloss and durability for now. But spirit is much more hydrophobic, sheeting and beading soooo much quicker than orange crush.

drivers side: orange crush. Passenger side: spirit




This is half and half, the tighter beading bit towards the bottom of the pic is spirit, the bit towards the top with looser beads is orange crush


and what I had to work with




i lightly pressure washed the whole car which didn't touch the road grime, then I gave the whole lower section of the car a nice dousing of CP, both doors, rear quarters and both bumpers.




i left it to dwell for a couple of minutes while i stood there sniffing my fingers... This stuff smells awesome... then lightly pressure washed it off leaving










i used just under half of the bottle


quickest wash ever with no touching of The car. I think I'll buy some tough coat next month to give some more protection in between 'proper' washes.

I 100% recommend citrus power to anyone who hasn't used it.
Big thanks to Auto Finesse for the 4th test product:D


As its been just over 2 months since cleaning the car, Citrus power was the ideal product to test on the super thick film of filth on the car.

First thing first is the super refreshing smell of CP hits you instantly! I thought to myself that this bottle isn't going to go far but surprised at how good the spray head is and the vast coverage it produces with just one pump.

Few pics of what the clio looked like after 2 months of crap weather.







I sprayed the whole car and wheels, it went straight to work and could see the dirt running down.




Then added a bit of water and agitated it with a mitt. It then went berserk and turned white in colour.



Few of the wheels which also had a blast of Verso along with CP buit of agitation with a brush and then jet washed the excess of which left the wheels pretty clean along with the crud removed from the calipers




One problem i find is something to get the baked on crap off the exhaust i sprayed the tailpipes with CP and left to dwell for about 5 mins then just wiped it away with a damp mitt which left it gleaming.



Jetwashed all the CP off the rest of the car, and near on all the filth and dirt/salt had gone! so a quick shampoo using ubershine and a rinse then left it as that due to the rain starting (So no drying or tyre dressing). It came up pretty well and the Spirit i applied last year is holding up amazingly!!! Beading has gone off slightly but the sheeting is still there. Shall update that thread this week:)







Overall im massively impressed with Citrus power and its cleaning abilities! I shall defiantly be using it in future. And only used just under 250ml out of the 500ml whether thats good or not i don't know but it done the trick.

Thanks again Auto finesse! (looking forward to Imperial):p


ClioSport Club Member
I've always been a fan of citrus, I really think it outperforms snow foam.
However, it's not as cost effective as foam. So I, like a few others, tend to dilute it 1:1 and still find it to be effective.
Thanks Knuckles, Nice shots of the after beading to shows its wax and sealant friendly!

And Aucky regards to a comparison on snow foam. Citrus power has more bite than snow foam. This makes it perfect for those winter months when snow foam just isn't enough ;)


J, A nice review. We also find Citrus Power to be at its best in the winter months with all the grime and salts on the road!

Thanks, Joe.
Thanks JD,

A good review and good to see Citrus Power pitched up against other products. Thanks for taking the time do such a detailed write up JD!

Thanks, Joe.
Thanks JD,

A good review and good to see Citrus Power pitched up against other products. Thanks for taking the time do such a detailed write up JD!

Thanks, Joe.

No worries, Joe. I was tempted to test its degreasing abilities against Verso as well, but as CP is wax safe, I felt the two aren't as comparable and it's a waste of CP!


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
A pre-wash product? I must admit as a complete novice this is a new concept to me! Usually my car washing process starts with the jet wash... still there's always time to try something new isn't there? I had to think about this one, because I drive off to the jet wash, then return home to start my proper cleaning. This product needs to dwell it seems. What I decided to do was to attack the lower half of my Clio whilst it was sitting outside my house. Unfortunately my car's been off the road a bit recently meaning it's not had the opportunity to get nice and dirty! But anyway, this is what we are starting with...




Grabbed my keys and took a few more pictures of it starting to do it's job before I left...




When I got to the jet wash I sprayed the wheels and you can tell the Citrus is fading off the body work. Didn't mind reapplying it because the smell is gorgeous!




So next I carried on with my usual tactic of jet washing, scrubbing, more water, hot wax etc. and before I drove home for a polishing session this is what it was looking like...





So finally finished a polish all around and took some more photos. Apologies as these were taken before plastics. etc had been dealt with!








Overall I it worked well. Didn't have to scrub my car so hard along the skirts etc. which'll probably do it the world of good! Sorry I don't have anything to compare it to, as I said I've not used anything similar before, but is certainly something I'll consider adding to my routine :) thanks Auto Finesse!


ClioSport Club Member
  Sunflower Ph1
Big thanks again to Auto Finesse for the opportunity to carry out a further test. Great timing to test out Citrus Power as for one reason or another both cars have been left for the past 2-3 months and are both the filthiest they have ever been.

I was very keen to see how the pre wash would tackle the grime and how this would ease the amount of physical contact with the car. Ideally i wanted to clean the clio to see how the layers of wax had lasted the winter, however the wifes 500 end up winning, but il update with a further review next week after tackling the clio.

so this is what we started with.




Citrus power was then liberally sprayed over the rear and sides payign particular attention to the heavier grime. I waited 5-10 minutes and rised off with the hose.




think next time il leave for 10-15 minutes and break out the presure washer also. Despite the photos appearence there was a fair amount of grime shifted and you could definately see the benefit.

I then washed the car with the usual 2 bucket and BTBM. The CP could definately be noticed with barely any effort needed to wipe away even the dirtiest patches.




results, one clean car with barely any presure during the contact stage, which considering the months of grime is a definate result. Big thumbs up from me.

I think il get better results by leaving it to dwell slightly longer and rinsing with the presure washer rather than the hose - im looking forward to finding out and will definately be purchasing another bottle for sure. As part of a routine weekly wash program i think it will defiantely reap rewards.
