oooh, such a hard life Rich!! Come PC my car.. make it worth getting up
Alan... epic! tis pink!!

Hi x
I know no I am at work "working" hard! lol
I would come but Ali offered first - loss
Would you let me in your street with my haircut
If Ali is a no show I would be up at the weekend ...
I'll lend you my pink extentions

You'll be okay!
I can't see Ali treking from deepest darkest
scotland *just* to PC my car.. lol.
TBF, I'm fucked.
Absolutly can not shift the breakdust on one wheel which is a pisser, tried Cillit Bang, pan scrubbing, brushes, taking the wheel off & everything!
Rinsed all the dust & ming off, washed with AG bodywork conditioning shampoo (i think), dried off and polished with AG SGP (red label-I do have all three we've mentioned in the bag thou :/) then fast glass'd the windows.. looks well

Uploading pix now!!
Plan is to do the inside tomorrow; its filthy & full of boots, pony's tack and christ knows how many outfits/shoes.