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Clean, "Spaced" Ph1


ClioSport Moderator
After widening the track 50mm this weekend, taking some god awful photos of it (and being moaned at for them)... I pulled my finger out, gave the car a wash and popped somewhere for some half decent photos.

Nothing too exciting, and they're only iPhone pics as I seem to have lost my camera.. but still you can see the difference the spacers have made and it doesn't look too bad even if I do say so myself :eek:

Car's also had more servicing done, so in the last week it's had:

Bottom balljoints
Track rod ends
Full coolant flush and replace
New N/S driveshaft
Full laser alignment

Oh and new wipers after someone stole mine?

Anyway, enough chat..





  107 Track Car & C4
Looks great! I was never a fan of the PH1 until i got my 182 about 6 months ago and joined on here. Love them now!


ClioSport Moderator
I've been thinking the front can definitely go lower now... We'll see.

'Awful' photos? A little harsh!

Struggler, it may be for sale at some point soonish.... I'll pm you first ;-)
  LY 220 Trophy+IB PH1
Looks crackin ! Will look much better when you get the F1's on it though, hows the spacing when driving for rubbing etc.


ClioSport Moderator
Summer is over, Robert.


It turns out that even with my driving style, these tyres last longer than it's claimed.

I would have the f1's on, but I'm struggling to take these off whilst the great (IMO) tyres still have life in them

The minute these are gone, the f1's will be fitted and the cades eros will be sold.

Mantis - 25mm spacers cause no issues at all. Perfect. Handling is much improved.
  Clio Sport ph1
Awesome, I would like to ask you on the bits (engine type marks) which are on the sides.They are probably from a new model. What is necessary to make it ?


ClioSport Moderator
If you're talking about the bullets, you need to fit all new side strips, nothing is needed to make them fit, as long as the car is newer than 2000 they fit straight on.
  Sunflower Ph1 172
Thought something looked a little weird, then realised you have no front diamond. I think the wheel centres could do with being a different colour too, black on silver is just too overdone now, and black wheels with silver lip just reminds me of wolfrace wheels.

Very very tidy however, looks like it's sat just right, but could be lower :p
Should have come and said hello mate! That's the pay and display nextdoor to my work carpark by the looks of things!


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Fit. I need to go and see Anthony soonish to get the same bits done!

<3 your face.
  GTD, Lupo
Car looks good but the tyres look like balloons are the 50-55s?, would look much nicer with a lower profile and would also drop the car a bit.



ClioSport Moderator
Thought something looked a little weird, then realised you have no front diamond. I think the wheel centres could do with being a different colour too, black on silver is just too overdone now, and black wheels with silver lip just reminds me of wolfrace wheels.

Very very tidy however, looks like it's sat just right, but could be lower :p

The wheels were a purchase purely based upon tyres

They've actually grown on me, but as said, once the tyres are gone, the wheels will be too.

looks really really good that Rob. And some great reflections goin on too :D

Reflections? I R no detailer, I assume that's good... lol!

Polish it? :D

Should have come and said hello mate! That's the pay and display nextdoor to my work carpark by the looks of things!

I had no idea mate, it's the car park in avery hill park? Is that where you work?

Fit. I need to go and see Anthony soonish to get the same bits done!

<3 your face.

What's being done at Ant's back street garage mate? I'll pop over and lend a hand.

Love it.

For sale soon? WHHHY.

I fancy something german. :S

Will look 10x better when you get the F1s on Rob!!

I know, I know, just can't bare to remove perfectly good tyres for no reason... lol!


ClioSport Moderator
Looking well

Who had your front bumper off last? It's warped in the middle now, heat gun that s**t out y0!

It's always been warped, I'm sure 99% of ph1's are.

Much better, i want this čar now, such a pleasure to work on and drive.

I'll be PM'ing you for the for sale ad first ;)

Yes mate. I'm a park ranger, saving the animals and all that jazz ;)

Explains why you always smell like poop TBH.
