Just to add to the others. You'll be fine. The only thing is the suspensiosn are stiff and that is the only thing that I did not like with the baby in.
I have put the rear facing at the front when alone with the baby, at the back when the wife was there. When you move to forward facing, front and back are ok, I actually think it is easier to strap a baby in 3 door car than a 5 door car (you literally climb in the car and face the baby instead of going accross the baby.
On top of all that the seat move Forward for easy access and revert to their position (this sounds trivial, but many cars will "forget" where the seat was).
Also +1 on the isofix. I did not have isofix for the group 0 seat but had it afterwards, it is just much easier.
Front seats are actually a little tight for the base of most seats though.
Overall, don't worry about the Clio, it will be fine. (and the boot is very respectable)