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Clio 172 Engine Sensor / Wire question

  2003 Clio 172

Having a wee hoke round under the bonnet, I noted a sensor just behind the rad that was covered in oil (see pictures).

When i pulled the plug out of it, there appeared to be oil inside too.

Is this an oil pressure/temp switch and if so, is this a common fault?

Also, I noted a wee plug on the aalternator that has a wired running out of it but also appears to have a stub of a green wire, almost like its been cut off (see pictures).

Can anyone else confirm if theirs is like this and if not, was this a wire? Was it cut off and where does it go?

1st Picture is Alternator Connector (For Alternator/Battery Light on the dashboard) the green stub is just a cover for the spare pin, it only has one wire (for the dashboard light)

2nd Picture is Power Steering Pressure Sensor - Not sure about it having oil on it but I dont think the sensor does much anyway, mines cut off
  Clio 172 ph2
it`s a common problem on those sensor ,needs replacement otherwise you will lose alot of oil from the power steering circuit .
