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clio 182 2005 cabasse stereo issue

  clio sport 172
Hi I've just bought a 2005 182 and has the cabasse stereo in it, it says mode on bottom of right round button is this the update vision? as when start car it doesn't work but it's not asking for code at top of screen but there is power there as it lights up at night and accept cd but then rejects it and when press button there's a beep anyone know what's issue and can I replace it if broke with cabasse unit that says tuner on front instead of mode
  clio sport 172
ok thanks will try only other issues are on dash the power steering,serv,abs,esp,airbag lights don't work but car drives ok u think could be speedo unit or hav all the lights been removed due to issues


ClioSport Club Member
Wrong type of stereo fitted mate, which type is in it? At a guess I bet you have a "tuner list" fitted as the "update list" are quite hard to get.
  clio sport 172
Just pulled it out and yellow plug was fitted in wrong place :) just need to get code for it now
