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clio 182 wont start!

  clio 182
hi all

I have a clio sport 182 2.0 16v on a 54plate, i drove it home from work the other day parked it on the drive came in changed went to go back out in it and it wont start..........
i can turn the key to secound click then all the dials go up speedo go's up to 50mph then back down then you hear just slight clicking noises coming from behind the dash, go to start the engine and nothing all ing lights go out!
i cant lock the car with the key fob either!
the car will start off jump leads and bump start but not off ing key!
before you say the battery
i have tested the battery and its fine its up on 12volts even tried to charge it but it says its fully charged!
also i have had it plugged in to laptop but no faults have been stored...........

has any 1 had these problems or any ideas??????????

some 1 said about the control body unit but they are £400 + alot of money to waste if its not the problem.....

any advise would be very much welcome
thanks phill
