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Clio 2006 1.4 16v not cranking after head work

  clio mk2 1.2 16v 02
Pull out all fuses and clean them also pull the fuse holders out and try and clean the insides also inside the fusebox should be a big connector pull it apart and clean it. Once you done all that go under passenger foot well and see the uch. Ubplug all cables and re plug them in ( batttery disconnected also give them connections a good sand and clean) also remove all earths cables and sand them clean. Check the pins on the ecu plugs are good and oushed right in.If you are really really desprate you could remove the emoblizer but this would require removal of ecu and cutting it open and desoldering the emoblizer chip. Once that chip is removed car will fire up.this does work on clios but i would try and avoid doing this
  2002 DCi 65
UPDATE - had it back from the garage - STILL NOT STARTING.

He had it on the CLIP device and said
"Every electrical component except the instrument cluster is reporting errors - he said under the bonnet in particular he is getting en error code from the Throttle Position sensor that "will not clear" - he also said that he is not getting any voltage to all 4 coils"

He thinks theres a terrible earth somewhere - or - the ECU is Toast.

I have noticed that the Throttle body is making a horrible BUZZING sound when the ignition is on - this is a long shot, but, could it be that the throttle body has a really bad short inside it and its causing the ECU to go haywire and thus giving the readings that all the electrical components are faulty (when i know they are not) - like, would replacing the throttle body make any difference?
  PH2 172
UPDATE - had it back from the garage - STILL NOT STARTING.

He had it on the CLIP device and said
"Every electrical component except the instrument cluster is reporting errors - he said under the bonnet in particular he is getting en error code from the Throttle Position sensor that "will not clear" - he also said that he is not getting any voltage to all 4 coils"

He thinks theres a terrible earth somewhere - or - the ECU is Toast.

I have noticed that the Throttle body is making a horrible BUZZING sound when the ignition is on - this is a long shot, but, could it be that the throttle body has a really bad short inside it and its causing the ECU to go haywire and thus giving the readings that all the electrical components are faulty (when i know they are not) - like, would replacing the throttle body make any difference?

Give him a clip round the ear.

Throttle body BUZZING is good.

Active faults cannot be cleared..

Relay J controls everything.


    81.7 KB · Views: 141
  2002 DCi 65
Ok, an update.
I've had the under bonnet fuse box off and stripped it down and found the following corrosion. Does anyone think this could be the root of all my problems?

I couldn't go any further into the circuit as it felt like the white plastic was gonna snap, but surely the green corrosion/oxidation can't be a good sign?
  2002 DCi 65
Jesus! That makes mine look like nothing! I'm wondering weather mine warrants buying a new fuse box or not.....
  PH2 172
  2002 DCi 65
Anyone know, on a Clio under bonnet fuse box, what this plug hole controls, it's a 12pin connector (highlighted in yellow see attached pic) one of the wires on the connector is corroded, I am curious to know what this controls on the car.
  2002 DCi 65
Last update
I replaced the fuse box and the wire that appeared to be corroded. Did not make a blind bit of difference. Same issue, car still not starting.

I've now sold the car.
