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Clio Cup 200 Oil Grade

  RenaultSport clio 17

So I'm thinking about buying a Clio Cup 200 track car, the thing is the owner has upgraded the cams and the oil has been change to 10W 40, is this a normal thing to do when doing engine upgrade as I know the car should be run on 5W 40?
  RenaultSport clio 17
sorry I meant to say 10W 60. I always thought changing engine oil grade was never a good thing to do but I'm not to sure with Clio engines?

Ph1 Tom

ClioSport Club Member
For fast road and track I always use Valvoline VR1 5w50 in a F4R.

After looking at many different oils in 5w40 through to 10w60, it had the best range of kinematic viscosity from low to high temp.

I found it performed well in both high revving N/A engines and boosted engines too.
