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Clio Cup Race spec

When I bought my Cup, the Renault dealer told me you could specify lightweight race seats (make unknown?), a full roll-cage and a plumbed in fire extinguisher for track use.

Has anyone else heard of this as I hadnt? And if so did anyone here take those options? Pics??

Cheers :cool:

haha youve been conned like the rest of us. Did he tell you about the brakes too? - Wahahhahhahhaaaaa - No such things exist. Several threads on the subject: youll have to get that stuff from elsewhere.

If you wanted a proper race cup, the only place to get them is direct from Renaultsport in France



I see... perhaps that is what he meant when he said you could get all those goodies for the car.

Personally Im not rich enough to have a track only car, which the race cup would be.. Im quite happy to tear up the roads in her!

Thats the spirit. There are so many mods you can do to the car , and for all budgets from a tenner to ten grand. I find that a nice little mod-a-month keeps the excitment going and makes the cup unique. One of the cheapest and most cost effective mods is the cliosport sticker when you become a member. Im still waiting for mine, but Im reliably informed it adds at least 10 bhp ;)

On that subject... I too have joined through paypal and I ordered a sticker and keyring... have you been able to get your member number etc yet as I havent?
