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Clio Turbos (the 172/182 kind)


ClioSport Club Member
  Jim's rejects
This week, I'll be mostly fancying a low boost turbo 172/182.

I have a few questions.

1) Do you have one, is it for sale
c) Did the clioturbo/greer versions all blow up, or does someone still have one. How do you tell these apart from the engine dynamics variants.
4) Approximate costs for doing it myself - not a stranger to doing this on other sheds
f) Other than the standard responses "chocolate gearbox" facebook group replies what is a rough second hand buyers guide consist of?
2) Has anyone's blown up (low boost, not daft boost)

Thank you please.

Pic for attention (true facebook style)



ClioSport Club Member
I have had a 197 Turbo for 2 years and it has been great, no issues. I appreciate dropping a Meg engine in is probably going to be more reliable than boosting a 172 engine.

I spotted the below 172 Turbo on eBay earlier and thought that it looked like a good buy. A bit of an issue with the gearbox but I imagine the seller would let it go for £4500.



ClioSport Trader
  Badass Toyota
Theres a company that have just done a kit with a small garrett turbo. Hybrid Tune I think is the company. Was looking good on price
£1799 plus VAT for the kit and £200 + vat for the mapping.


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Videos on my car and build. The turbo element was about £2500. Changed to a hybrid paddle/organic RTS clutch from @Kev@KAM which more than adequately holds the power.

Speak to Alex @ aw motorworks



ClioSport Club Member
Following! I've had an itch for one for a few years and never had the balls to do it.

All the people building them, loving them then selling them a few months later with no explanation why always plays in the back of my mind. But there does now appear to be a few long term owners now that it's more popular


ClioSport Club Member
I was also tempted by this and wrote up my findings on my own thread about a pair of 182/172 turbso that i drove.
Whilst i apprecaite many have a differing of opinion, these were my personal findings.
I have copied/pasted the extract below.

If this is something you're interested in, speak to Alex at AW Motorworks in Essex. I cannot reccomend him enough :)'

Turbo Testing

As said previously i was hoping to drive some turbocharged Clios this morning and thanks to some very generous owners, i was allowed a go in a pair of them.

Car 1)
This was a low boost 182 setup running approx. 240bhp on stock engine & gearbox. (7psi)
Boost controlled to limit midrange torque and allow boost to be held further up for peak power to be used on track.

Car 2)
This car was 172 Cup with switchable boost running no torque limit (13psi).
240bhp low boost, 300bhp high boost forged engine with a basic Engine Dynamics kit.

Both cars fitted with LSDs, proper tyres, brakes, dampers and all the trimmings to be done properly.

I'm no stranger to turbocharged cars having started out with a 350bhp/340lbsft Sierra Cossie when i was aged 19. Later on with what became a 575bhp/520lbsft Subaru Impreza.
Also owned a supercharged Mini GP running 250bhp+ and driven lots of big bhp turbo cars, the fastest on the road being a 700bhp+ 996 GT2.
So I went in with both my eyes and my mind open to turbocharging my own 182, as maybe this was the extra power and theatre i was perhaps after?

The LB 182 had a decent amount of low down torque which provided a nice amount of get up and go in 1st,2nd and 3rd gear. Thereafter the torque dropped off quite significantly and i was left wanting more. This was great for a bit of low down punch but thereafter felt similar to a standard car.
Personally this setup didn't suit me at all, but was done this way at the owners request for trackday use.
It was great to experience how they can be tailored to each owners needs should that be what you want.

The Cup LB was significantly quicker than the 182 being not torque limited and although only about 20lbsft more than the LB 182, it was the aggressiveness of delivery and the overall torque spread. A LB Clio in this setup makes for a suitably quick road car. Just borders on what's usable in all conditions and would hook up and drive well. For most people this would be more than enough.

The Cup HB in the damp was completely unusable in anything below the middle of 3rd gear due to the aggressiveness of the torque ramp. A proper ECU with boost by gear would be nice to use here as you could add some much needed flexibility.
Once on the roll it was a potently fast car with approx. 300bhp per ton comfortably putting in the same category as a Porsche 997 turbo.

I cant write everything here, but Alex and i spoke at length about what options i have for going boosted with my 182. Needless to say he is incredibly open and honest about what can and cannot be achieved, what i would or wouldn't be happy with too.

I went today really wanting the turbocharged route to be an easy decision, its cheap and easy, but it has been anything but. I wondered if when i got back in my own car that i would be feeling it was hugely lacking. But driving home was quite the opposite. I have been thinking lately about what i like about the Clio and that was how assessable it is to really enjoy driving it. The little lightweight car coupled to the tactility and delicacy of the NA engine.
The more I've driven it lately the more i have been enjoying using all the revs, the delivery that builds as the rpms rise and the crescendo of grabbing another gear and doing it again. The balance is great, and I've always loved how adjustable it is on and off the throttle mid corner too.

Having experienced both turbo Clios for a decent real world drive, i think I've decided the turbocharged route is not for me with the Clio. Yes the allure of cheap bang for buck is superb. Its pennies to boost one of these which results in a significantly quick car.
The turbocharged car makes for a very potent little machine and is a bargain way to performance. If you have never experienced a fast turbocharged car, or you just want to go quick making some great noises, and not really caring how you get there, its great product. In HB it feels like you've been fired from a cannon and i would say is probably somewhat dangerous should you not be familiar with car control at the limit.

The turbo route certainly adds something to the Clio package, but for me i think it took away more than it added. It alters the way the car behaves and its power delivery (certainly for me) removed too much of how good the Clio feels to drive.

So i have to say I'm incredibly grateful for the experience in both cars, but i think I'll be exploring the NA route with whatever route that may be. :)


ClioSport Moderator
Ive had my 2006 182 in BlackGold turboed for just over 5 years. It was originally done by Clioturbo and yes they didnt do a good job but I took it straight to Alex White who fixed and perfected it. Ill admit I dont use it that much, its certainly not a daily car but I do get it out a few times in the summer. Ive also spent the last few years restoring everything to new even though it probably didnt need doing (only on 36k miles)

Its got a forged engine and a high boost garrett turbo that has been dyno'd at EFI at 326HP. It is great fun to drive, handles extremely well and as you can imagine is very fast.

Nothing has really broken on it and it has been reliable. My biggest problem has been starting projects on it like restoring the underside and taking ages to finish the job.

I would definitely get one of you can. Mine might be up for sale next year.





I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Ive had my 2006 182 in BlackGold turboed for just over 5 years. It was originally done by Clioturbo and yes they didnt do a good job but I took it straight to Alex White who fixed and perfected it. Ill admit I dont use it that much, its certainly not a daily car but I do get it out a few times in the summer. Ive also spent the last few years restoring everything to new even though it probably didnt need doing (only on 36k miles)

Its got a forged engine and a high boost garrett turbo that has been dyno'd at EFI at 326HP. It is great fun to drive, handles extremely well and as you can imagine is very fast.

Nothing has really broken on it and it has been reliable. My biggest problem has been starting projects on it like restoring the underside and taking ages to finish the job.

I would definitely get one of you can. Mine might be up for sale next year.

View attachment 1487133
View attachment 1487132
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The best car on here and theres definitely not enough photos.


ClioSport Club Member
  Jim's rejects

Had a look at that, it's Ollie's old car on here.
Spoke to the seller via ebay, it has changed hands 3 times since Ollie sold it.
I'd be interested at £4k, especially since the box has to be swapped out & it needs brake pipes, but no chance at £5k.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
I've not got any first hand experience with them, other than a few passenger rides in @dann2707 meg 182, but it's something I would like to do with mine.

From looking at your threads, it'd probably be easy stuff for you to do. If you've got a healthy engine to start with and keep it sensible power wise then why not go for it.

@Louis is also getting a few parts a bit at a time to do his.

If worst comes to worst, a new engine isn't exactly thousands now either.


Bon Jovi Officianado
ClioSport Club Member
I've not got any first hand experience with them, other than a few passenger rides in @dann2707 meg 182, but it's something I would like to do with mine.

From looking at your threads, it'd probably be easy stuff for you to do. If you've got a healthy engine to start with and keep it sensible power wise then why not go for it.

@Louis is also getting a few parts a bit at a time to do his.

If worst comes to worst, a new engine isn't exactly thousands now either.

A used engine isn’t thousands, but finding a strong, good, well maintained one is getting more difficult is it not? I have recently been looking at the Engine dynamics N/A rebuilds, which is £2500 fitted. I like the idea of a complete rebuild of my existing engine. But don’t like the sound of the bill 😂


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
I think on low boost you're going to end up with sensible numbers without putting unnecessary strain on anything.
Parts are cheap if you piece it together yourself and dont rely on a ready to go kit.
I actually have a spare log manifold thatll be for sale soon if interested.

-Chinese Log manifold £100
-Downpipe £150
-AN fittings w/hose for oil return £50
-Chinese/toyo intercooler £50
-Gt2560r £600
-Meg225 injectors £150
-boost pipes w/ joiners £150
-EFI boost module £200
-Fasteners, gaskets etc £150
-heatshield, wrap, blanket £150

Probably a wise idea to get ARP bolts etc too. I'm sure theres things I've missed but just as a rough estimate that's not bad and that's with w genuine Garrett!


ClioSport Club Member
I think on low boost you're going to end up with sensible numbers without putting unnecessary strain on anything.
Parts are cheap if you piece it together yourself and dont rely on a ready to go kit.
I actually have a spare log manifold thatll be for sale soon if interested.

-Chinese Log manifold £100
-Downpipe £150
-AN fittings w/hose for oil return £50
-Chinese/toyo intercooler £50
-Gt2560r £600
-Meg225 injectors £150
-boost pipes w/ joiners £150
-EFI boost module £200
-Fasteners, gaskets etc £150
-heatshield, wrap, blanket £150

Probably a wise idea to get ARP bolts etc too. I'm sure theres things I've missed but just as a rough estimate that's not bad and that's with w genuine Garrett!

Not a bad idea on the APR big end fasteners but they're actually under less strain in a forced induction application.
NA the rods are always wanting to leave via the top, forced induction they want to go out the bottom :)


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Not a bad idea on the APR big end fasteners but they're actually under less strain in a forced induction application.
NA the rods are always wanting to leave via the top, forced induction they want to go out the bottom :)
I know. Worth doing ARP fasteners when the sump is off anyway, not like you're wanting to be in there often.


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup, GT2, Meg250
Had mine turbo’d on a low boost setup since 2014. Mr Greer did the honours but thankfully it was at the beginning of his tenure so did all of it himself. It was pretty reliable but my mechanic has since gone through the whole car in that time so probably not a true reflection. My thread is on here somewhere detailing all of it. Biggest early gripe was always down pipes cracking or turbo to manifold nuts coming loose due to the heat. Most of the common issues from the early days have been fixed so getting into something that has been looked after should be quite a good buy. They say you can run one on a standard clutch but I believe that to be garbage and most replace with either a paddle or organic which i have.
My gearbox seems to take the power fine but it is only running 235bhp so not mega numbers. If you do look around i would definitely get one with a diff as without spins most of the power away in the lower gears. Mine is also running an adaptronic Ecu which manages the boost well but as others have said EFI do a boost module for this now.

Hope that helps a bit.


ClioSport Club Member
  RB Clio 182 turbo
I bought the engine dynamics kit last year, fitted it myself on my drive and was a piece of cake. Hardest part is drilling the block with the sump removed fpr the oil drain but more scary than hard. My engine had FSH but 146k miles on it, now at 155k with alot of track miles and hasnt skipped a beat. Running 246bhp.

Edit: with the standard clutch it was slipping ever so slightly but got the ED paddle clutch and its spot on.
  Clio 172
I bought the engine dynamics kit last year, fitted it myself on my drive and was a piece of cake. Hardest part is drilling the block with the sump removed fpr the oil drain but more scary than hard. My engine had FSH but 146k miles on it, now at 155k with alot of track miles and hasnt skipped a beat. Running 246bhp.

Edit: with the standard clutch it was slipping ever so slightly but got the ED paddle clutch and its spot on.
Good to know, what do they charge for the kit nowadays??


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
I bought the engine dynamics kit last year, fitted it myself on my drive and was a piece of cake. Hardest part is drilling the block with the sump removed fpr the oil drain but more scary than hard. My engine had FSH but 146k miles on it, now at 155k with alot of track miles and hasnt skipped a beat. Running 246bhp.

Edit: with the standard clutch it was slipping ever so slightly but got the ED paddle clutch and its spot on.

How do you find the ED paddle clutch?


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Its quite grabby with very little bite point. Also quite heavy but still perfectly drivable, not sure id want it anywhere near a daily though.

Thank you for the reply. That is exactly what my ED paddle clutch is like. I am slowly getting used to it, but looking to other options as used on road only.


ClioSport Club Member
  RB Clio 182 turbo
Thank you for the reply. That is exactly what my ED paddle clutch is like. I am slowly getting used to it, but looking to other options as used on road only.
Must have a strong left leg.
Im sure Kam Racing do a few Helix clutches, think theyll be fairly similar though, either too weak or a nightmare to use.


ClioSport Trader
  Badass Toyota
We do a custom RTS clutch for the turbo conversion. We dont try to supply race clutches for road use. Instead the clutch drives as near to a standard clutch as we could get it but still providing clamping for the torque of a turbo.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
We do a custom RTS clutch for the turbo conversion. We dont try to supply race clutches for road use. Instead the clutch drives as near to a standard clutch as we could get it but still providing clamping for the torque of a turbo.

Cool. I did tag you in another post about my clutch and was hoping you would reply. I will be in contact soon 👍
