I reckon will the few miles you've done ride height testing you've covered your annual mileageJust raised it another 5 front and 10 rear, I went out for a quick blast and was paranoid over every dip rut and bump that it was going to catch...
I'll get it right eventually lol
I reckon will the few miles you've done ride height testing you've covered your annual mileage :wink:
Today's height... In a wierd way it looks more purposeful being slightly higher?!
You are correct. It looks so purposeful, just, so right!
Also, I'm very proud of my non car enthusiast female from being able to ID the GTR from the first pic lol
Thanks Knuckles, think the local BMW dealers are going to sort the Geo out soon so won't have to wait a month to get to Revolution at gateshead :up:
Also... She sounds like a keeper lol. The GTR is an epic piece of machinery! As much as I love and want an M3, BMW Needs to listen to a GTR on cold start, sounds so damn good!
Today's height... In a wierd way it looks more purposeful being slightly higher?!
Why have I only just seen this!!!
About bloody time too! 2 years later you finally have them looks awesome at that height.
Looks slightly lower than mine I think.
Had any issues with bumps yet?
Be more careful at the lakes this time, you'll be surprised how much difference it makes. That scrape noise is still planted firmly in my head!
love this very much
That is perfection!
Absolutely gorgeous car, think this is the best colour for a Vee.
Looking good! I painted up the the centres of mine & the edge of the discs. It was a mission but it stops them going rusty / manky etc.New discs and pads finally fitted yesterday! The arches are looking nice now with all the shiny new toys!
Seeing this car in the flesh on Saturday reminded me of how nice they are again!! Absolute peach!
Colin are you running apex discs and redstuff pads? Have you had any squealing issues? v6 looks absolutely perfect btw!
No squealing at all mate, the rear of the pads were greased up before fitting though which is meant to help!
You not fancy the V6 lakes meet 20th June mate?
Stupidly nice!!
Those seats are awesome, should of come from the factory like it
I couldn't even afford to steal that lol.
Do you think you'll ever get rid, Colin?
A couple of my mates were talking to you today up at Revolution, they own their own detailing shop. They mentioned to me they saw a red v6 on coilovers and I knew immediately it was this.
Still looking Great Colin :smile:
Looks great dude!
Mine's in the garage having the tracking arms sorted, discs and pads all round a full geo, really looking forward to getting it back as I know it should be a lot better to drive! Will probably mean I keep it so hoping to see yours at the lakes run!