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CSF23 ClioSport Festival 2023 - Book Tickets Now!


ClioSport Club Member
Another great weekend, albeit soggy weekend. Was still a great laugh, great to catch up with old faces and meet some new ones.

Awaiting the whole new range of usernames to be altered now 🤣
Next year there should be a charity auction and the winner gets username changing rights for the day.
Me and the boys had a good day. A day of tyre death for us and a bit of a punch in the b****cks for myself having 2 Clio’s welded to my bumper all day…. Granted they were on slicks (that’s the excuse I’m sticking with). Also had some mint laps with (I think) @JB21 in his MR2. Much like the Clios, he was absolutely slaughtering me on the tighter corners and under braking.

My only ‘gripe’ was how empty the track was, although I’m not exactly sure whether I can justify moaning about that - especially given the lack of red flags throughout the day.

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I've got a brilliant 10 minute video of us flying around together. I'll upload it to YouTube shortly 👌


ClioSport Admin
Did you not have the huge marquee this year Dave?

No the marquee company we booked arrived an hour before we asked then to on Friday. They told the circuit manger that the ground was too uneven and fkd off before we even got there.

Tbh we probably didn’t need it. The circuit manager very kindly put up an inflatable marquee that they had but it didn’t get used.

The bar manager wasn’t keen on us setting the DJ equipment up inside so we put it up outside under a gazebo. But when the rain started coming down sideways it put paid that. With hindsight we should have just left the dj stuff set up in garages. But you live and learn.

I’ve got to add, the rain in the evening did not spoil the day in any way. I just think a lot of people were knackered and sunburnt (I’m looking at you @Jaff. 😂) and went off to bed fairly early.

Hopefully if we get more people coming next year we can have a proper evening party in the garages.

Proper missed your dj’ing skills this year mate 🙁


ClioSport Club Member
I wasn't going to bother going to csf this year. With all the s**t I've got going on at home I really couldn't be bothered but @Filters messaged me last month and gave me the pep talk I needed. Enjoy the tipple my friend you deserve it 🍻.
So another great csf done.
If you were there and we met for the first time it was nice to meet you, that applies to some of you I can't remember meeting at last year's csf😆. It was great to catch up with the usual csf posse too👍.

Massive thanks to the admin team for organising it, which must have been extra stressful finding a new venue and also waiting to see how the weekend would eventually turn out. The rain was literally the only dampener on the weekend (I still got bloody sun burnt though 😂) 👍.

The track was great fun and the Clio cup car is an amazing piece of kit. Thanks to Andy again for giving us the opportunity to experience it and thanks to those who took me out for a few laps, @Chode Lint @Touring_Rob @Call Me Dangerous Dave and @TRH_Racing 👍.

If you weren't there you missed out! Yeah it's a bloody long way from everywhere but it was definitely worth it, it's the essence of cliosport and really shows what a great club it is to be a part of.

Thanks again, see you next year.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I wasn't going to bother going to csf this year. With all the s**t I've got going on at home I really couldn't be bothered but @Filters messaged me last month and gave me the pep talk I needed. Enjoy the tipple my friend you deserve it 🍻.
So another great csf done.
If you were there and we met for the first time it was nice to meet you, that applies to some of you I can't remember meeting at last year's csf😆. It was great to catch up with the usual csf posse too👍.

Massive thanks to the admin team for organising it, which must have been extra stressful finding a new venue and also waiting to see how the weekend would eventually turn out. The rain was literally the only dampener on the weekend (I still got bloody sun burnt though 😂) 👍.

The track was great fun and the Clio cup car is an amazing piece of kit. Thanks to Andy again for giving us the opportunity to experience it and thanks to those who took me out for a few laps, @Chode Lint @Touring_Rob @Call Me Dangerous Dave and @TRH_Racing 👍.

If you weren't there you missed out! Yeah it's a bloody long way from everywhere but it was definitely worth it, it's the essence of cliosport and really shows what a great club it is to be a part of.

Thanks again, see you next year.
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Did I not take you out then??



aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
Another great weekend as usual thanks to the CS team, track is much better than Blyton but it's going to take a few days for my compressed spine to go back to normal after wearing 4 point harnesses all day, back home with a cuppa and a bacon sarnie, even though I don't drink anymore I still feel broken and i'm glad I don't have work tomorrow.

Looking forward to sleeping in a bed again rather than the back of a Golf.


ClioSport Admin
Another great weekend as usual thanks to the CS team, track is much better than Blyton but it's going to take a few days for my compressed spine to go back to normal after wearing 4 point harnesses all day, back home with a cuppa and a bacon sarnie, even though I don't drink anymore I still feel broken and i'm glad I don't have work tomorrow.

Looking forward to sleeping in a bed again rather than the back of a Golf.

He sleeps in a car, he looks like a tramp, he’s dreads of course!


Wales - South
ClioSport Area Rep
What a weekend, I think it's safe to say the .net staff elevated CSF 23 to a new level with the venue choice and did a fantastic job considering it was only @Nik @Brian @Rob and @Sunglasses_Ron on hand! Well done gents, well bloody done 👏🏻

A massive thanks to Ali, aka @TRH_Racing for backing us up with a second car for the hotlaps! But, an even bigger thank you goes to everyone who donated and came out with us, James and myself had an absolute blast taking you out and meeting you all! 👌🏻

You helped to smash the target figure we had in mind for the day completely out of the water, I was a little choked up 🥹 by just how many of you contributed to an incredibly worthy and personal cause.

We had a Gopro in the car and should have all the files in a Dropbox folder to share on here for those that came out with us shortly 😀


To the usual suspects, thanks for the Friday and Saturday night drinks around the "not a campfire" campfire 🤣 until rain stopped play!

@Clio_fool the tipple will be well enjoyed mate, so glad you came along and you know where I am 👍🏻

CSF23 #betterthanblyton!


ClioSport Club Member
Great organising from the CS gang to have everything running smoothly on the day

Thanks to everyone who let me sit in their car on passenger laps, was good fun. Pretty sure I've got a permanent indent in my arm from being flung into door cards all day 🤣

I see why @The Crumb Master is so attached to the little white beast now

@JB21 have you got any footage from when I was in with you? The double snap was about the closest I was to being worried all day in a car 😂

Glad to have finally got to a CSF, hopefully next year I can be captain slow on track
Yay. More footage of me being mad a complete example of :ROFLMAO:
Some really good laps! Power isn’t everything it seems.

I think it was this session where the tyres started to delaminate. I responded to the vibrations by continuing and just turning more
My A052 were also knackered hence the constant oversteer 😆


ClioSport Admin
I need to say a special thanks to @Filters

You put so much effort into not just organising your race teams attendance but the raffle prizes too. Can’t thank you enough pal.

Please also pass on our heartfelt thanks to James Harrison and Dermot the head mechanic.

We raised a total of £1700 for cancer research (raffle and hot laps).


ClioSport Club Member
Mate I shared a garage with him and didn’t manage to get out in either of the vans! 😂
Next year mate! I was talking too much instead of driving as usual:LOL:

The rubber pickup on the track was crazy. I thought a wheel had come loose due to vibration on certain parts of the circuit and limped in to check/find all were tight. After talking to a few people most were suffering with it, i took Roj's r26 out and that had exactly the same vibration.

OEM Battery Nonce

ClioSport Club Member
Quote of the weekend for me was from @J-J

‘Could you be any more cockney’ 😂

You did just go full cockney though 🤣 you even had a little Dell boy shoulder shuffle at one point Ron!

As everyone else has said, massive thanks to all the people who made this a success. I've not been to a CSF before so was a little apprehensive, but it was a brilliantly welcoming place and very well run, even the banners at the main gate were just a nice touch and really set the tone for the weekend.

I was another one who felt comfortable leaving my phone at the charging point and jacket and sunglasses in garages while I went out in cars without a worry of them going missing.

Thanks also to @Chode Lint, @The Crumb Master, @Filters, @TRH_Racing and @Call Me Dangerous Dave for taking me out for a good few laps. It's mad to think that for the price of a passenger band that there are so many people willing to just take you out on track as a passenger having never met you before.

Again it really shows the culture of the club and something to be proud of.


ClioSport Admin
You did just go full cockney though 🤣 you even had a little Dell boy shoulder shuffle at one point Ron!

As everyone else has said, massive thanks to all the people who made this a success. I've not been to a CSF before so was a little apprehensive, but it was a brilliantly welcoming place and very well run, even the banners at the main gate were just a nice touch and really set the tone for the weekend.

I was another one who felt comfortable leaving my phone at the charging point and jacket and sunglasses in garages while I went out in cars without a worry of them going missing.

Thanks also to @Chode Lint, @The Crumb Master, @Filters, @TRH_Racing and @Call Me Dangerous Dave for taking me out for a good few laps. It's mad to think that for the price of a passenger band that there are so many people willing to just take you out on track as a passenger having never met you before.

Again it really shows the culture of the club and something to be proud of.

You should see my ‘cockney walkabout’. It’s a sight to behold mate 😂


Wales - South
ClioSport Area Rep
I need to say a special thanks to @Filters

You put so much effort into not just organising your race teams attendance but the raffle prizes too. Can’t thank you enough pal.

Please also pass on our heartfelt thanks to James Harrison and Dermot the head mechanic.

We raised a total of £1700 for cancer research (raffle and hot laps).

Was a pleasure to be able to help out mate 👍🏻

This club has done so much for charities and its members over the years. It's nice to give a little back!

I'll be sure to pass the thanks on and we're more than happy to come again next year, if you'll have us 🙏


ClioSport Club Member
That stubby Kangoo is wild

It comes on boost, feels like someone's set a blowtorch off in your face and there's a bloke sat with a trombone raping your eardrums. Can't believe how loud it was, especially on overrun when it felt like someone was firing an AK-47 out of the back doors🤣🤣
Its pretty wild. Even harder to pedal, proper keeps you on your toes :LOL:

Im glad it was quiet so i could get some seat time and figure out how to drive it without holding anybody up. High speed braking is a bit twitchy over a ton. Trail braking into tight corners is epic can rotate the back end easy.

I had a good run against the silver e46 m3 at the end of the day with the private reg on in the Extra. Not sure who it was.


ClioSport Club Member
Its pretty wild. Even harder to pedal, proper keeps you on your toes :LOL:

Im glad it was quiet so i could get some seat time and figure out how to drive it without holding anybody up. High speed braking is a bit twitchy over a ton. Trail braking into tight corners is epic can rotate the back end easy.

I had a good run against the silver e46 m3 at the end of the day with the private reg on in the Extra. Not sure who it was.
@Ph1 Tom


ClioSport Admin
Love for the mentions boys, was amazing to be able to help @Filters with the hot laps and I’m glad I could take a bunch of you out!

Great to see everyone again (I can’t remember half the user names) … bring in next year 😁

Yeah sorry mate I should have included you in that post!

Thanks for helping raise the money taking people out on track!

Very much appreciated 👍👍👍
