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connecting playstation to wireless network using netgear?

  Ford Fiesta
got a wireless router next to main desktop pc, use wireless laptop to connect to it.

i have just bought a netgear wge111 unit for the ps2. as i understand it this unit will connect stright to the ps2 and talk wirelessly to the main router next the desktop pc in the other room?

does anyone know exactly how to get it up and running?

  Mk2 Golf GTI
What PS2 games you playing online and how much was that wge111?

I went wireless last week, might be worth going online with some games
  Ford Fiesta
spirez said:
What PS2 games you playing online and how much was that wge111?

I went wireless last week, might be worth going online with some games

it was for my brother, think he only got ssx at min, but now we have it all wireless he'll no doubt get some more.
router upstairs connected to main desktop with an ethernet wire, ps2 downstairs with this wireless netgear adaptor and can use net via wireless laptop. sorted.
If you get stuck with it if you buy one pm me and ill try help, fairly easy in end really, just didnt seem it at start.

