My dads gone through quite afew in his time, in no particular order:
Astra GTE, reg was H911 HAD as far as I remember, in silver. Most unrelaible car he ever owned.
Renault 5 GT, in red I believe, had it for about a day before returning it to the dealer with a failed turbo I think
Cavalier SRI (Was stolen and burnt out

He also had 2/3 cavaliers back in the day, looked like this one. He crashed one into a roundabout and another into a lamp post, the 3rd one basically fell apart due to rust.
Then he had an Audi quattro, sold it after the sunroof started to leak.
And his latest and current car is this:
Hes always been big on cars lol, just never had any luck with any of them that hes bought, they all seem to fall to bits or get a leak.