Any help gratefully received!
1. My car seems to handle very strangely at the moment. The tracking has just been done, the tyres are new and the tyre pressures are all fine - but it seems to wander all over the place in no particular pattern and really cant brake in a straight line. This happens at both high and low speeds, and it will pull to either side. Could this be dead shocks? My car is on 97k miles. It doesnt just happen under braking.
2. My wheel bearings appear to both be playing up (more noise as each side becomes loaded). But theyre both only 10-15k miles old! Shoddy workmanship?
3. I get a "click" when steering at low speeds on either one side. It happens early in the lock and only once - so doesnt sound like a CV as they tend to repeatedly click on full lock.
Are any of these related to each other?
Help most gratefully received!