The standard head unit sounds "ok" with better speakers, but upgrading to a decent head unit will make them sound even better.Quote: Originally posted by D-CUP on 18 November 2003
Ok, so the standard head unit is rubbish. Would changing it for something better improve the sound or is it really that the speakers are just not very good?
Ill have a budget of about £250-300 and want mp3 capability.
Same here mate!Quote: Originally posted by Jon1978 on 18 November 2003
OK I bought the Cup for the engine not the stereo,
Well, as I said earlier, the main problem is the speakers and I swapped them first, which made a real difference, but I then swapped the HU and it sounds even better now.Quote:
but I dont agree that the standard head unit is crap. It isnt. As standard head units go, its very good. Its a Clarion, so its not going to be sh*te.
IMHO anyway.
Its lower powered than the one in the 172 so worse...Quote: Originally posted by bambam on 18 November 2003
surprisingly the cup head unit is just as bad as all the other variants in the range, shock horror, the cup has a flaw
couldnt agree more. Looks don.Quote: Originally posted by monkeymagic on 18 November 2003
ive got the m850mp aswell - it does MP3 and im well impressed with it. looks smart at night with the animations playing on the display!
i got mine for £250 and the adaptor was £48 so its within your budget.