Done 9k now in the Cuppa. Got a few of the normal probs seaping through.
Clunk when on & off the throttle.
Excess vibration through steering wheel when accelorating hard.
Excess Wind noise.
Peeling of glossy trim on inside door handle.
sticky clonk when pulling away after 1/2secs.
Seat/seatbelt vibration/rattle.
So off i went to renault and left her there for the day, however they just called me and said cars ready for collecting, no faults were found. ?? But i listed the faults? Where did they go wrong? hummm.....hears where it starts then!? Could someone help me out and list what causes the problems in point 1,2,3,5,6 Peeling is just quality issue. Cheers for the help guys, and sorry to repeat boring sh*t.