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Cylinder head acid dipping?

  HBT 172 Cup
Am building an engine up at the moment, have just stripped the head and done a bit of diy beadwork. I now want the head looking like new, so you get it acid dipped yeah? I can't find anywhere that does it in the southwest, anyone got any reccomendations?

If not I've also been told concrete/cement liquid cleaner when diluted gives a very effective sollution for a lower cost (cheers stan). Does anyone know the name of a suitable product?

Thanks in advance
  Clio 200 Cup
Try a company called Langcourt. They specialise in the repair of nicasil plated aluminium cylinders - they acid dip to clean them up prior to processing. Might be worth a phone call.


Hope this helps,

After being in the dishwasher...

  ITB'd MK1
autosmart TrebleX. It's descaling acid, same as the concrete disolving stuff stan told you about. Just wear gloves and glasses. it stings like a motherfucker
  ph1 black 172
i work for jewsons in keynsham(stock in all branches, yate, easton and ashton) and we sell brick acid. i know it works as we use it in house to clean up cement mixers with dried out cement all over them.

cost about £15 inc vat
  HBT 172 Cup
i work for jewsons in keynsham(stock in all branches, yate, easton and ashton) and we sell brick acid. i know it works as we use it in house to clean up cement mixers with dried out cement all over them.

cost about £15 inc vat

Sweet i live in Yate so might pop by and have a look :)
  ph1 black 172
also thinking about it have you tried Mcarthers in bristol. metal fabrication company, they do galvinising, not sure on acid dip. but could also be worth a shout
  ITB'd MK1
bit extreme to send it to oselli for cleaning!! i bet there's at least 5 engine reconditioners/engineers in or around bristol who could put it in their tank
