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damm engine too big!!

  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
ok i FINALLY finished my new install, went to start wiring it in,,, i thought easy 30 mins max.


my engine is too big, n i cant find anywhere to put the power cable through, cant even drill ad the sound deadening sint about a inch forward from the bulkhead


very angry taylor
there is a rubber grommet taylor. get a long screw driver and poke it through from behind the engine, its behind and below the coolant bottle, then have some one inside to let you know its entered the cabin.

Tape the power cable to the end of the screw driver and do it again, the undo tape and pull cable through, should be fairly easy, ive done a couple of Clios now. Hope you sort it
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
it was piss easy on the ph2 1.2

done a number of installs and i just cant be bothered *****ing around, i can see the crommit from the inside just too much crap on the engine side, ecu, battry, 2.0 engine etc etc
n when your doing on your own in faded light getts annoying, so im just goin to pay someone to do it for me
  R35 GTR
Always get the right tools! Must be a man thing, as I love to find any excuse to buy another tool.:clown:
  VX220 Turbo
as was said befor elift the power steering fluid tank up and wedge it behind something this will allow you to put your hand behind the sound deadening and put the wire through where the bonnet release cable goes through.

which reminds me i need to put the grommet back in still as i can hear engine noise coming in through the passenger compartment
