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Dashboard - repair or new one?

  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2

My gf's 1.2 extreme 3 has a rip/chip out of the dashboard above the glove box on the passenger side. (Caused by anger and throwing a phone against it quite hard lol)

I want to know can anything be done about it to fix it? It seems like a hole new dash will be needed as its all in one piece isnt it? I cant really see how it could be repaired.
What do you suggest and how much would a new dash cost if this is the answer, do you know?
  172 coming soon
Go to a scrap yard near you and take the top section of the dash..

I got a Mk2 Ph2 complete dash, dials, all controls, airbags and the steering wheel for £120 over here at my local scrappy for a mate :)
