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Dead Island

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
How does the auto-leveling of the zombie skill level work when there's you and three mates?

Say you're on Level 20, two of your mates are Level 10 and 7 and the last one has just started the game. Does the game just generate zombies at Level 20 - the highest level achieved currently by the group as a whole?


Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Lowest level I think D.

Ah, nice one. Talking to Malachi about this game last night - I think it only really works when you have three mates playing. I was joined/dropped/joined so often last night, that I gave up. Especially when one joins, then legs-it in completely the opposite direction to where the current quest takes you.

I really hope they patch it for the weapon degredation too. Please, pretty please!!! Keep it in by all means, but make it just a tiny-bit realistic, FFS. I had some brass knuckle-dusters things last night and it was like watching the Countdown clock in terms of weapon damage going down when I was punching zombies. Stupid.

Had a weird occurrence last night, me and my two co-op buddies were playing, and the game froze. None of us could even press the Xbox Live button on our controllers. Had to reset the consoles.
  Fiesta ST-3
Ah, nice one. Talking to Malachi about this game last night - I think it only really works when you have three mates playing. I was joined/dropped/joined so often last night, that I gave up. Especially when one joins, then legs-it in completely the opposite direction to where the current quest takes you.

I really hope they patch it for the weapon degredation too. Please, pretty please!!! Keep it in by all means, but make it just a tiny-bit realistic, FFS. I had some brass knuckle-dusters things last night and it was like watching the Countdown clock in terms of weapon damage going down when I was punching zombies. Stupid.


I see where you're coming from, I play with my friend... make it only 3 private slots, no public for this exact reason. With >2 people (friends, not randoms) it's epic fun. In terms of weapon degrading, I can't see them changing it tbh... it gives you a reason to modify/upgrade your weapons and one of the talent tree's for my guy (sam B) has an attribute for up to 30% more durability with the weapons.

Chris, I would recommend providing you have a friend/some friends to play through it with!
  Fiesta ST-3
Had a weird occurrence last night, me and my two co-op buddies were playing, and the game froze. None of us could even press the Xbox Live button on our controllers. Had to reset the consoles.

I've had this too. Seems it's a result of the patch :dapprove:

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Had a weird occurrence last night, me and my two co-op buddies were playing, and the game froze. None of us could even press the Xbox Live button on our controllers. Had to reset the consoles.

Same here on the PC too. Though a simple Ctrl+Alt+Del fixed that. :)


Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I see where you're coming from, I play with my friend... make it only 3 private slots, no public for this exact reason. With >2 people (friends, not randoms) it's epic fun. In terms of weapon degrading, I can't see them changing it tbh... it gives you a reason to modify/upgrade your weapons and one of the talent tree's for my guy (sam B) has an attribute for up to 30% more durability with the weapons.

Chris, I would recommend providing you have a friend/some friends to play through it with!

Got that already m8 - for what good it's done. It annoyed me that much that the 30% increase in durability was the first unlock tree I pursued.


Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Worth a buy?

Yes - but as others, you really need a few mates to make the game good. On your own it's boring, tough going and crippled by the developers decision to make this appear like an online game only. When you need to traverse half a map to get to an objective, yet your key weapons get blunted before you even get there - it makes for very frustrating progress indeed. Especially as auto-levelled zombies on the same 'par' as you will now take 10 or more spiked baseball bat hits straight to the head before going down. Take on 8 zombies yourself and you're fucked - which it turn means retreating to heal and repair. Travel too far back and the zombies respawn, meaning that you have to redo all that bit again.

Can you begin to see where the frustrations lie? ;) I'm pretty much convinced that if the developers had play-tested this much more in the single player role - these alarmingly obvious irritations would have been much more apparent and dealt with prior to release. With three mates - you make much better (and enjoyable) progress.


Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I've just rage quit - lol.

I want to punch the developers in the head. Repeatedly. And hard.

In fact, maybe we can use real developers to see why it takes 6 headshots from a pistol to drop a standard zombie, shall we? Or how's about circling a thug, hacking away with an electro-blade and not severing one limb. Then strangely enough, once he's down, a single tap from an ordinary stick makes his head explode.

ARGH!!!! FFS! ;)

  Fiesta ST-3
Hahaha D that's legendary. I love the rage. However, I normally try to kick them down and perform the head stomp therefore save my weapons more.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Hahaha D that's legendary. I love the rage. However, I normally try to kick them down and perform the head stomp therefore save my weapons more.

I'm having to resort to that too. Just a shame that being a zombie-killing game at its core - that you should even have to think of such things.

It really could have been epic this game - seriously - a genre-defining title. I guess I'm just frustrated in the fact that 99% of its failings have been programmed into it. They aren't a challenge. They aren't a plot developer. They are pure irritations - nothing more.

We should have a games version of Question Time - I'd give these feckers a grilling and a half! ;)


Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
It does seem to take way too long to kill some zombies.

Like I said before CJ - the auto-leveling really makes itself known when you're driving a vehicle. Mash a zombie against a wall early in the game and its insta-kill. Try it at Level 20+ and you're having to reverse and mash them again - sometimes three or four times for the thugs. Daft.

And why do you get penalised for the weapon stats when it's deteriorated? It should simply be reduced in the likelihood of achieving critical hits and/or hit bonuses - it shouldn't simply stop doing major damage to them. A slightly bent cleaver is still capable of removing limbs I would have thought?

Jesus this game is tedious. It was fun, for the first five-ten minutes, but theres only so much zombie whacking you can take before you get so bored and frustrated you start to question your life. This is probably a good thing in honesty, but shoddy game.

I was just doing the 'Last Chance on The Wall' side mission where you have to hang posters around Moresby of some guys missing daughter, or his location - one of the two. Got to the second poster place, cleared every zombie in sight. Went to collect the cash one of the dead zombies (oxymoron?) had kindly left for me, but unkindly, said zombie had died next to a manhole - so when I pressed square I went into the sewers. When I came straight back up ALL of the tw*tting zombies I'd just spent ages killing had magically respawned. F**k sake.

However, there seems to be a nifty little glitch I've noticed - If you have a gun without ammo, you can pick up and throw a gas bottle and you'll get 15 bullets for you to shoot the bottle/s to bits. Zombies will just walk though the explosion though., so it's only really worthwhile if you like (semi) pretty explosions. Saying that, it probably isn't a glitch and is completely intentional. Which is a bit odd.

What an infuriating game.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I'm 22 hours in and 53% through the story. The idea of spending around 40 hours in total to complete it however, fills me with dread.

For one, I am completely impartial to the fate of my character now as he dies far too often. Swung that katana 5 times already? Oh dear, you're out of stamina and can swing no more. And you haven't got the stamina left to run away either.

Damage models. WTF were the developers thinking? Typically 250-350 damage from a headshot with a standard pistol. 5,000 damage from a grenade. Yet 26,000 to 31,000 (the highest I've yet seen) for stomping on a zombie head? Of course - my character's thigh muscles have more stored kinetic and explosive energy than 6 hand grenades.

As an action-RPG (ARPG) type game, Dungeon Siege III is much better (and enjoyable). Alternatively, the best zombie killing action still lies with L4D2, imo.

  Not a 320d
Im not sure if i want to get this. Seems appealing but then the videos ive seen seem to suggest it will be utter s**t. As though theres no real story behind it.
Yes. I only held onto it for as long as I did so I could trade it in for Uncharted 3 when it came out.

Frustrating mess of a game in the end, that could have been amazing.
  53 Clio's & counting
Big old bump for this one.

Was looking at purchasing last year, but decided against it, but now it's got so cheap Iv made the plunge - as new condition off Ebay for £11.

Not bought for the 1 player, just for multi-play, so 2 mates have also purchased it - from what I gather from reading this thread and other reviews, one player is good, but gets a bit annoying/tedious due to the issues listed throughout this thread, but as a multi player where you just want to explore the landscape and kill Zombies it's pretty good.

Is that somewhere about right?

Edit - and is the Island fully accessable from the start on multi player? Anywhere good to scope out?


ClioSport Club Member
  Punto HGT Abarth
The island is split into various areas, resort, city, jungle, prison. You can run around where you want, once you have got to that area in the story.

Play it with your mates and blitz it lol. There's nothing really interesting to go out exploring for really.
  53 Clio's & counting
Had my first play on it last night, and I find it pretty good!

Ok, the game play (ie storyline) is basic, but for just running around and killing zombies i think it's actually pretty good - liking the lack of fire arms, make the game more 'realistic' (well as realistic as a game with zombies in can be lol)

I suppose iv bought it only with the want of having a laugh with some mates on line, if I had gone with the hype of it I may have been disappointed, but as said for a bit of a f**k around I think it's good :)

if that makes sense lol
