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Dealer damaged mates 182

My best mates 182 was in for it service last friday.

tody when cleaning the car, he finds a dent on the rear bumper thats remove the paint:mad:

hes 100% sure this was not there before the service.

where does he stand about them fixing it free of charge,hes going to phone the dealer tomorrow to tell them and take it from there.

it their word againist his really, what do you think?
  Mazda 2, MX5 Mk2.5 Sport

Hes go no chance, you would have to spot it before leaving the garage.

Bit anal but its good practice to photographs of your car (with date stamp) before you take it in, then check it before you leave the garage. Only a two minute job but could be worthwhile.

A post-it with mileage stuck to the dash always helps as well...just in case.
  Megane R26

When I took my 182 in for its 1st service about a month ago they cracked my side skirt. I was certain it wasnt there before I took my car in & they denied it. In the end I kicked up a big fuss about it & they replaced it free of charged & refunded my petrol to & from the garage.
  ICE'dberg MK2 172

The Post-it works a treat...also walked the service guy around the car to make sure there was no damage when I left it. Hehehehe!!

I dont understand what you mean about the post-it.

You mean write down the current mileage on the post-it and place that on the dash so they know you have recorded it and dont take it for a drive?
  Renaultsport 220T

IMO you should never let a dealer wash/valet your car. Have you seen the people that they employ to wash cars? The less time they spend anywhere near it the better.

Service receptionist asked me why the last time I left the car in. And I told her I prefered it dirty! :D

i know a lad who cleans cars at reno,quite a decent lad.Its like me saying have u seen the queers who drive 182s.Bit of a generalisation
  Renaultsport 220T

Funny that really, shame you didnt read my post, I did say IMO, thats in my opinion. Im sure that there will be loads of 182 owners, who will love YOUR opinion SOHROB, or is that a bit of a generalisation?

i said its like me saying that did i not ? Im sure my m8 will love YOUR opinion,my statement was proving the point that wot u sed was b****cks
  Renaultsport 220T

My opinion is formed from my own personal experience. This is a discussion forum, no? I never said that every person that cleans cars at Renault dealers was crap at their job. That would have been a generalisation. I really dont see where you are going with this anyway. Im sure your m8 is probably very good at cleaning cars. What is your problem, with someone else voicing an opinion?

dont have a problem,just voicing my opinion as you are.Lets just leave it at that eh ? didnt mean to upset you
  Mercedes AMG GLE 53

Dealer scratched my sill and inner sill trim when taking passenger seat out. I didnt notice until two weeks later when cleaning car.

Phoned em up and took it in, they did it no probs at all.

So dont just leave it give them a try.


Its like when i had my car serviced. I can be very anal about cleaning my car, so as i was out of the country at the time, my mum took it in to be done. i gave her orders to not let them clean it. but they did anyway, and told her that it would be dirty again by the time i got home! Lucky for them it was ok.
  Vee dub

Quote: Originally posted by 182WRC on 19 May 2005

IMO you should never let a dealer wash/valet your car. Have you seen the people that they employ to wash cars? The less time they spend anywhere near it the better.

Service receptionist asked me why the last time I left the car in. And I told her I prefered it dirty! :D


QUALITY - im using that!


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

dealer scratched mine a few months back. im never letting them wash it again

If you approach the dealer and act like a civil human being, they MAY be more likely to treat it in a sympathetic manner and sort it out for you if they can prove the damage occured when they had the car.

But dont go in with a face like thunder and an attitude - theyll just deal with it as quickly as possible and probably deny all knowledge, rightly pointing out that if it was damaged on site, you should have reported it before leaving.
