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Decided against a SE W995

My old SE W960i was totally f**ked, battery would only last a couple hours

went into town today and just upgraded to a SE w995

This will probably upset the iphone lovers but i was dead set on getting a new one when they came out, after playing around with a couple i really dont like them (the old ones that is), They are so big and clumsy and im fed up of having a touch phone...and also wanted to stay on vodafone

anyway the SE seems pretty cool, 8.1 mp camera, the usuall walkman stuff, it has navigator etc which can pinpoint where you are and give you directions via google maps etc

went to carphone warehouse first, said i was interested in the new iphone when it comes out...he was like ' what you on about there is no new iphone' i left cos he blatently didnt know what he was talking about

went to vodafone and they said they werent offering the w995 on their network, so went to phones4u and they uprgraded me on vodafone and gave me £50 cashback and car charger??

and some crappy pics and you get some cool free speakers





  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
Buying a new generation Sony Ericsson phone on contract is like buying an 18 month ticket on the Fail Train tbh.
meh, my current SE lasted 18 months without breaking once even with me dropping it in water a bunch of times


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Buying a new generation Sony Ericsson phone on contract is like buying an 18 month ticket on the Fail Train tbh.

What he said, nice phone. But in a few months when its camera doesn't work and it spontaneously combusts you will regret having it on a contract. Few of my friends did this :)

EDIT: Not literally caught fire. But all of my friends with new SE's have had epic problems. Shame cos that phone is fookin lush :)
  Petrol Blue 182.
Buying a new generation Sony Ericsson phone on contract is like buying an 18 month ticket on the Fail Train tbh.

got to agree, I love SE phones, got the W910i on contract and had endlesss amounts of problems with it, im glad it got stolen in the end lol, im rocking the w900i old skool SE, but I love it, that phone looks wicked may have to consider it when I next go on contract!


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
got to agree, I love SE phones, got the W910i on contract and had endlesss amounts of problems with it, im glad it got stolen in the end lol, im rocking the w900i old skool SE, but I love it, that phone looks wicked may have to consider it when I next go on contract!
Contradiction much? :p
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
I had the w910i too and had many problems with it, my friend had the same, my girlfriend had another SE too (forget what) had problems with that, got it replaced 3 times then go offered a different SE phone which had problems too.

I still use my trusty w810i now until the new iphone is out, that generation of Sony Ericssons were fantastic, since then the quality has gone downhill and from what i've read even new generation SE's are still shite.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
I had the w910i too and had many problems with it, my friend had the same, my girlfriend had another SE too (forget what) had problems with that, got it replaced 3 times then go offered a different SE phone which had problems too.

I still use my trusty w810i now until the new iphone is out, that generation of Sony Ericssons were fantastic, since then the quality has gone downhill and from what i've read even new generation SE's are still s**te.

Yup, i had a K800i, epic phone really was. The last good generation of SE phones.
as per above, they are too big, way too expensive and generally i just dont like them...

i like having a standard style phone, and my last SE has been brilliant, youl find faults with all phones tbh


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Madness, i'd return it.

If you insist on staying on voda get a magic.
  Audi S1
You can take as many fancy pics of it, make it look as cool as u want but it will never b as good as the iphone ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
Not sure I'd go for that, but I doubt I'll ever get an Iphone. Can't stand the f**king things.
  Better than yours. C*nt.
I quite like it, and can't stand the SE bashers. Did it ever occur to them that the iPhone never appears to break is because the threads where it breaks are the same in number as any other phone - it's just it's only iPhone people who start thread after thread of 'OMFG look how ace my iPhone is it's just ace'. and 'I just got an iPhone aren't I cool'.

I bought a Sony W910i day it came out. After 12 months, gave it to my other half as she preferred it to hers and I started using my old W880i again. After I got bored of it again, phoned up T-Mobile who sent me a *free* C902, no contract extension or anything. Again, an ace phone. The only SE I've had a problem with, was a couple of years ago I broke the screen on my 750i in my pocket on the Runaway Mine Train at American Adventure. Got another one, it still works. Given it to my mum as she wants it rather than getting another phone on contract, so she gets to take the £15 line rental discount.
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
If you can't stand us then do one, SE are shite these days, i'm not bashing them for fun, i'm speaking from the experiences of myself and people i know.

The iphone is ace, its a fact, people that don't like it at the kind of c***s who just like to go against the grain in every aspect of life and will argue that black is white if it makes them different to everyone else.

Sure it doesn't have the best camera and the battery life is a bit shite, but for every other aspect of phone use, its near perfect, its the most user friendly phone i've ever used and has absolutely fantastic customer support.
  Better than yours. C*nt.
I fairly often send MMS videos to my mum. Who doesn't have a 'mobile email' device, so that strikes out iPhone. What about video calling, which is helpful to switch to when you're doing on call work and trying to explain something to someone, and using my SE or my work's Nokia, I can just switch to a video call. Whilst doing these things, my SE and Nokia last 4 days on a charge. From a support point of view, last time I had any issues T-Mobile sent me a near as damnit new phone, free.

I'm sure there are plenty of compelling reasons that the iPhone is no doubt a great product. But here's a question to these fanboys:

Did it ever occur to you to accept that there are issues with it/missing features and to just let the people who want those features go and buy another phone without smacking us with your iPhone on the way out? FFS man, iPhones haven't taken over the world because there is still a larger segment that doesn't want them! Accept that, and the world will be a happier place!
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
MMS - Added with 3.0
Video Calling - Coming with new Iphone.
Extended battery life - Coming with new Iphone.

People can buy whichever phone they like, i don't care, half the people on here who bash the iphone bash it because everyone else likes it not because its lacking in features though which was my point.
  Better than yours. C*nt.
If/when Apple release an iPhone which caters for my needs, then yes, I'll consider it. Unfortunately, the current one doesn't which is why I resent having it thrust down my throat at every opportunity by a group of people of whom the majority have bought one to 'fit in'. As it stands, it's going to lose against the new Touch Diamond 2, which is a peach of a device.
  Astra Twintop
Wonder if O2 will let me get my hands on SEW995.............................

Undecided now between the N96 and this..........

  Fiat Panda 100hp
iPhone is king of the hill.

All other phone manufactures are looking around thinking 'How the hell did Apple do that?'

The only reason the iphone has done so well is because of the software, it's superb, but it is apple after all.
  Never above 25mpg
I got a 5800 over anything else on the market. Is great for what it is. Much prefer it to the iPhone although only advantage Iphone does have is that it has the ability to sense more than one finger on the screen at once.
  BMW E46 330i Touring
My last 3 SE phones all had charging issues after about 6 months... rubbish batteries it would seem.

They do make a sexy looking phone, though.


  Focus TDCi
Just got one of these for free, seems decent to me. I'm not a big phone lover so I'm happy enough.

Can't get the wi-fi to work though, even though it says it's connected and I assume you have to pay for the location services?
its a smart phone imo ive had a look at a friends it would a nice upgrade from my k750i just a bit to expensive :( on prepay or sim free
IMO it looks like a kids phone..

it works like one too. It runs the sale resolution as the smaller screen Sonys (320x240). All they have done is stretch the menu system to fit the screen, so the menu looks massive and out of proportion.

I sold mine after a week and went back to my w890i. Wasn't impressed at all with the w995, and wouldn't recommend it to anyone... purely based on the crap oversized menu.

see here
  Mountune Tractor
This was the last decent SE:

they have been awful for me since and I will never go back to using them again. The w910i was particulary bad.
I couldn't justify the price of the iphone though, the contracts are stupidly expensive imo. I will go for a blackberry next.
Really like the 995, thinking of getting it myself. Add me to the 'I don't want an iphone which apparently makes me gay' list.
  182 (Conversion)
I hate pretty much anything that starts with an "i" - good choice if not after a touch phone.

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
I have got a K800I and have had it for 3 years ish now.

Its fooked but still cracks on. Battery lasts for 3 days between charges and works no matter what you do to it.

I have thrown it at my brother a bunch of times, dropped it off stuff, stood on it and it still works like new.

Love em :cool:


  Focus TDCi
Yeah same with my K810i - had it for 25 months now and it's solid as a rock. There are a few marks around the edges and the screen is scratched, but it still functions fine, even after being buried in sand from diving off sand dunes lol.

As for the W995 looking like a kid's phone, I can't see it myself. It feels much better built than my brother's touch screen Nokia and a helluva lot less plasticky.

Comparing the main menu to the K810i it doesn't seem pixelated to me? Perhaps the alarm menus and suchlike, but not enough to put me off. Still way better than some others I've seen.

Still too early to pass judgement, but seems good so far.
