Revels Mum & Sister
and i thought i was a geek, exchange in the home, thats crazy!
I like to play with it, find it quite interested messing about with it. Always been into computers and have a completely non-it job so I still like doing it for the giggle. The server side of things is something I haven't conquered so into it I go, completely over the top for what I use it for but very cool at the same time.
tbh if i wanted to run an exchange server at home i would just run a vmware machine with server 2003, not worth running a totally separate machine.
Got given the bits and seemed like the best use I could put them to.
LOL was going to say I deal with exchange on a daily basis across different platforms and setups and I would NEVER set it up at home. b****cks to that LOL.
In fact there is only 3 of us in the office. NO dedicated server or Exchange server.