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Dension crashing when skipping tracks too fast?

Red Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Focus RS
It's pretty sluggish when skipping tracks and seems to have problems if you rotate the wheel on the stalk controls too fast.

The display shows TR 99, It ceases to change track when rotated and the iPod display sticks to one track regardless of what is playing. The only cure is to unplug and reboot the iPod.

Anyone else experienced this?
  Silver 182 F/F
The going up to track99 is common but not freezing or crashing,what you've to remeber is everytime you switch a track the HU is thinking it's selecting a track from the CD from the multichanger which always take a split second to select so it's not going to be as responsive as you ipod buttons.

Mine about once a week will casue the stereo not to respond to any functions when i switch the ignition on after leaving the car over night with the ipod attached but it resets it's selve by switching the on/off button on the HU.

But apart from that no major problems
  106 GTi
There is setting which causes a 2 second delay on pressing a button which annoyed me, so turned that one of.

Under the setup menu choose, disc change - 1-6 and not +/- this syops the delay you get when pushing headunit buttons, may help on the delay on the ipod to react to.

When controling the ipod from the buttons on the front of it in ipod user interface mode, the display will always display track 99, use the connection in Dension User interface mode, cotrolling the ipod just from the headunit will give you a proper track count.

I have had the problem Bruce speaks of once but everything else seems fine.
