Hi Nick,
There is not much point in sealing it fella, unless you have polished it. Once it has been polished you can add more sealent as you go along. Most do this every couple of months, or even longer. I have a machine and therefore it takes me minutes to do an SRP run, followed by sealent (spray ftw!!).
Give it a day, polish and clay it, then seal it and it will be fine for around 4-6 months, with more sealent after a wash, say around 2-3 months in.
Not ideal, but will suffice.
There is not much point in sealing it fella, unless you have polished it. Once it has been polished you can add more sealent as you go along. Most do this every couple of months, or even longer. I have a machine and therefore it takes me minutes to do an SRP run, followed by sealent (spray ftw!!).
Give it a day, polish and clay it, then seal it and it will be fine for around 4-6 months, with more sealent after a wash, say around 2-3 months in.
Not ideal, but will suffice.