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Diconecting the Battery on a 172

  1.8 Civic EX
A very simple question for you guys...

Is there anything to do before diconnecting the battery as regards the standard alarm/immob?

On the valver there was a little key you could turn the alarm/immob off so it doesn't sound when you disconnect the battery and make you deaf! lol

Anything like that on a 172?
Don't set the alarm on it & it should be fine. Remember though you'll need the code for the radio (if you've got the standard one)
  1.8 Civic EX
ah! another good point! Where can I get that from?

All I'm going to do it connect a power lead for an amp...funny, I've not actually paid that much attention to the battery...what's the chances of me just unscrewing it and connecting the power lead without anything disconnecting?
  m-tec bmw 325 ci spo
lol you wont need to dissconect the batter then will ya ? just take the nut off on the terminal and leave the termainal leads in place
  1.8 Civic EX
yeah thats what I'll do now I say I've never paid any attention to it so not sure on how all the teminal leads are actually connected to it...
  m-tec bmw 325 ci spo
oh i c well you could always attach a jump pack to ur battery terminals just be safe so you wont have to get the stereo codes etc
  1.8 Civic EX
now your just being clever! lol

(the pics from last night are quality by the way, I've done a few cool photoshops and made a few black and white too)
  m-tec bmw 325 ci spo
excellent cheers for taking them you goin to post them up or msn them dude
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  m-tec bmw 325 ci spo
oh spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam ryans threads whooho spam spam spam spam spam spam lovely weather we are aven eh ?:cool:
