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Different ariel options for a 172 Cup

  clio 172 track car
Hi all,

I'm fed up with my cup looking like a radio controlled car with the standard ariel sticking up on the roof and thought i'd invest in a smaller version. Just wondered what different car ariels people were using and how they fit. I've tried a CTR ariel from the GF's car but the base is far too wide and imo looks a bit daft.

Any thoughts / opinions /pics welcome!!


C2 VTS - look good, but apparently reception is awful.

I just chopped my standard one down, and then replaced the rubber cap thing on the cut end. Seems to work fine, but I think reception is pretty good around where I live, and I mainly listen to cd's anyway.
  Focus RS + S3
go for the mazda 3 MPS one, its stubby like the CTR but the base match/fit is perfect, bit pricey, but i got one in the end lol ( here )

I agree on the CTR - base is too wide, doesn't match.

Also depends what spoiler you have. When my standard aerial was still full length it used to rub, albeit only a tiny amount, on my cup spoiler. But if it had been any larger in diameter, i.e. Mazda 3 MPS or CTR, it wouldn't have done - but probably ok with the standard spoiler. I'd only fit a stubby aerial to my car if it was really short.

You could just try chopping the standard one down - if you didn't like it it's not cost you anything other than a few minutes.

If it doesn't work - try something else.
