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Discs and calipers from a 172/182?

  Clio 1.2 16v Dynamique 51
hi all, looking to upgrade my brakes. i have a 51reg clio dynamique 1.2, new shape, with the smallest discs i have ever seen on the front lol looking to upgrade to some slightly beefier ones as im used to all round calipers on my old car! was wondering if they were an easy swap or if id need the hubs? i seem to remember reading somewhere that if i needed the hubs they wouldnt fit the 1.2 strutts so id need them aswel!?? clarity please, cheers!
  Clio 1.2 16v Dynamique 51
well just got a rear beam from the 172 clio with discs and calipers, putting it on in a couple of weeks along with the new uprated shocks:) heres hopin all the electrics/abs/brake pipes go on smoothely!!:D
  BMW M135i
The front capilers won't fit the hubs and the rears won't work as you'll have problems with the ABS unless you get custom ABS rings made up and I can't remember how many teeth you need but they need to be the same as the rings that are already on the drums. Or the ABS will just kick in everytime you brake.

The front brakes are more than good enough to stop the car especially on a 1.2, they're the brakes from a Mk1 16v/Williams and they're both a damn sight quicker than a 1.2.
  Clio 1.2 16v Dynamique 51
yea iv jst been reading the other posts on this problem and it looks like i just need to go to renault nd get the right rings....shouldnt be too costy:)
iv got a very nice french guide to help me along aswel:D
if i manage to get the 238mm discs onto the rear from the 172 axle ill have the same setup as the williams, 258 front 238 rear, doing it mostly for the looks rather than performance:)
  Clio 1.2 16v Dynamique 51
Hi all jst a bit of an update, iv got the calipers and hubs off the beam and all the ABS cabling and the brake pipes, had them checked with my m8 at a garage and he says theyll fit straight on where my old drum brake pipes and sensors fitted so no worries there.
Got my new discs pads and ABS rings yesterday and started to put it all together, still waiting on the bearings and handbrake cables, everything bought from the local renault dealer cept the discs and pads:)

Some nice bits of information i learned while doing this :
  • MK 2 51 reg clio has 26 teeth on the ABS, the rings used on the front driveshafts are the same diameter as the discs on the rear so you can use the same abs rings on the rear discs! (shown in place on pic)
  • the rear hubs of the 172 have 4 bolts holding them on, 3 10mil and 1 8mil on each side, whereas on the drums there are 4 of the same size (not sure of size yet) also they screw through from the other side. you can still put the hubs on but the smaller bolt will go through a larger hole in the hub plate...not sure about safety on that part!
  • Old ABS rings just pop off the discs...just use a hammer and a large screwdriver:)
  • You need to buy new bearings if you have your own discs to fit as they usualy dont come with them supplied! and you cant take the bearings out ofthe discs the beam came with cos they break, which is what happened when i tried it!!:p
Planning on making a guide when this is all over, if it works! so iv got quite a few pictures of everything and the steps....
heres a few:!


The 172 beam without brake pipes


Hub with disc removed


Half of the wheel bearing!!


new rear discs with ABS rings fitted


new front discs to match:)


what i found today:eek::cool:

hope someone takes the time to read this!! :D
  Clio 1.2 16v Dynamique 51
well its done and working:) bit of a hiccup with the pad retaining bar but its all sorted now! ill post some pics soon:) happy days:D
  172 & RSi
Get a step by step guide up mate, with all prices and part numbers we need from Renault :)

That would be superb as I've been thinking about this for ages but never had the balls to go and do it.
