Quote: i dont really wanna spend alot on a headunit someting around £130 thats it
I think ideally the headunit should be the most expensive part of your setup, after all, it is the brains of the operation!
Quote: m gonna keep to sony or jvc as thats my speakers are so just keeping the 2 brand names in the car not mix and matching.
I dont really see the logic in that, theres nothing wrong with mixing n matching
Quote: would mounting the amp on my parcel shelf be ok? underneith or ontop?
amps can be quite heavy, and since you have 6x9s on there already, unless your parecl shelf is proper mdf i dont think the standard bendy renualt one will take the weight! and i certainly wouldnt mount an amp "on top" of the shelf so it is on display for everyone to see! dont want any nasty people smashing your windows and ripping your amp out do you? best keep it all hidden imo (unless you working on some kind of show car project)
Quote: may go for another amp and a single 12" sub but not yet sorting this out first?
this is purely just my opinion, but I think the best basic setup for a small car like the clio is ampd components up front, nothing in the middle, and a nicely ampd sub in the boot
I really dont think you would need 6x9s AND a sub, thats just silly and would sound crap, its one or the other, and preferably the sub if you want good sound quality and tidy bass! altho it all boils down to your budget and how far you want to take things
I take it those are the peak power figures you are quoting for your speakers? you will need to find out the rms outputs of each and then match your amp to the rms of the 6x9s, the headunit should be adequate for the 4 car speakers you have, but that one you are showing us doesnt look like an mp3 player??? your budget of £130 would enable you to get an entry level sony mp3 headunit, just another feature you may want to consider