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Dodgy steering need help!

  clio 182, Rx7
Hi all, when I bought my car it had a funny steering issue, when turning tight it feels like the steering wheel goes light then heavy and it likes to have a mind of its own.

I jacked the car up and everything felt ok, so I put it down to bad tracking.

Took the car in to get new tyres today and they said they wouldn't track it due to too much play? They said ball joints so I bought some from ecp and when I took the old ones off they were in great nick, no play at all. I checked the track rods and they were fine too.

Can anyone help?? :( it's drives like crap.
  clio 182, Rx7
Iv had a pry bar on all the bushes and there all solid, bar the twisted dogbone that feels a little worn. :(
  clio 182, Rx7
Top mounts changed, track rod ends changed, ball mounts changed. Just dropped her off for tracking, and they rang me up saying a track rods bent. Lord give me strength....
  clio 182, Rx7
What do people think about this, engine management light come, codes said misfire. Fitted new leads, coilpack and ngk plugs. Ran fine for 50 miles and now the code readers saying destructive misfire and 02 sensor. Is the 02 sensor causing the misfire or do you think there different problems?

When I changed the spark plugs the hole next to the filler cap was full with oil, I put this down to someone spilling oil in when it got topped up. Could there be another cause? The cars also smoking alot at high revs and start up.
  dan's cast offs.
i will always replace rods as well as ends, unless they have already been changed without ends being done at the same time!!
destructive normally points to an injector, what did you read the codes with? the oil won't of helped for sure, did you pull the plug and check it? high revs possibly air leak when you've put upper manifold back on?
  clio 182, Rx7
Going to pull the plug out tomorrow, check for oil again. Would a air leak in the manifold cause smoke at high revs? Is that what your meaning? Using a snap on code reader.


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  dan's cast offs.
sorry, mis read it as high tickover. you not got renault key for the reader? will give you a cylinder for the misfire.
you need to check the plug itself, inside bit, and give the cap a good clean up and get rid of all the oil.
  clio 182, Rx7
I havnt no! So you thinking injector? I did give it all a good clean out with brake cleaner and an air line. Going to do a compression test on Monday, check the piston rings are Ok :( does the obd fault mean anything?
