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E85 3.0 Z4 Roadster Project


ClioSport Moderator
There's a picture earlier on of one looking badman, grey hardtop grey wheels, but I do agree, it's a bit... big pimping.. and not really what I'm going for.

The hardtop is just really good for the car in the winter, it improves the cabin, negates any possibility of water ingress into the the motor whilst not being used and makes it a lot more winter friendly in general.

Buying the hard top is like buying recaros on here, they're an investment you'll always get your money back on as long as it's not damaged.


ClioSport Moderator
I think it looks alright TBH, another picture:


Or on my wheels:

I like it, looks very "hot rod".

Which is only a good thing, just get one, and if in spring you decide you won't use it for 6 months and you want to release the money from it, then sell it.

If not, keep it for the winter months.


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
It just doesn't work. Ruins an otherwise nice edgy car by putting something all rounded and horrible on it.

Looks swollen like its been hit on the head or something.
  Clio 172
How's your clio doing? Masculine car right there. ;)

I can't believe there's so much hardtop hate. I'll probably buy one anyone just to spite you all.

Your the ones buying it, so you tell me!

And you know what car I'm getting next anyway! I actually liked the 2nd/3rd pic


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
It's s**t...don't bother....fix your car first...blah blah blah

Enough moral support? Lol


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
As soon as mate. Get paint etc and I'll get started. Getting in a tin and get thinnners and I'll use the compressor.


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
Yer, you can't paint for toffee though lol you can practice on something else not the wheels


ClioSport Club Member
How easy does the hard top go on and off? And where do you store it when off?

If it improves the cabin for you when you're driving it then get it bought, who cares if everyone else thinks it's a bubble-car wannabe.


ClioSport Moderator
Yer, you can't paint for toffee though lol you can practice on something else not the wheels

I reject that statement, my painting has always gone just fine! You may dispute my techniques but my results are fine ;)

Isn't buying everything in tin form going to cost me a fortune?

How easy does the hard top go on and off? And where do you store it when off?

If it improves the cabin for you when you're driving it then get it bought, who cares if everyone else thinks it's a bubble-car wannabe.

Very easy, two clips basically.

You can buy stands for them, but this one doesn't happen to come with it. So I'll make one out of some timber and foam pipe covers in my garage.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
My Uncle has a hard-top on his 4 dude... if you want to take a look-see at one before you buy one !?

I think you need a anth one to match the (when they're painted) multi-spoke wheels !

Looks naff in bright silver with everything else bright silver though.


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
Anth ones look awful too.

People here have no taste.

It looks like a 2nd thought add on, which it essentially is.


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
Right if you buy one I'll drive down to where ever you live and slap you.

That is a promise.
