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Engine bay

  1.5 dCi 80 - 3Dr
(unsure what section this would go under)

Just wondering, if any damage will be done, if i cleaned the engine bay, with a jet wash?
ha lots....
Tape everything up and use cling film or something with a very slow hose. I just use an empty muck off bottle with fresh water in.
Dont jet wash your engine bay!
  Titanium 182
Gunk engine degreaser and plenty of elbow grease! Sparkle sparkle!

You can steam clean engines as long as all electricals are covered, but it's not worth risking. Some people do it and keep the engine running (if it cuts out, they stop) but I still wouldn't bother!
  White Evo V
I do it all the time with my engine running, have done with all my cars, never had a propblem, just dont get too close to elecrics etc....
  Italian 3.2 V6
my friend pressure washes his engine bay, he is a clean freak and his car has been perfectly fine since new, it's a 54reg dci... Make sure it's on medium setting to be safe...
  Ph1 172 + Combo van
i dont do it. just get in there with some degreaser and a brush then get a small spray bottle with water in it. spray, agitate, spray water then wipe with a microfibre.


ClioSport Club Member
  986'S 172ph1+182FF
i did the mrs 106 with a jet wash, got the coil packed soaked, misfired for a bit, engine bay looks new now though, fuk doing it to my car mind
  Phase 1 172
Im a bike technition and we do it to bikes and cars all the time, as people have said have it on a low pressure and keep away from the ecu, bulk electrics and you will be fine.

If the engine aint super dirty i wouldnt bother tho as it still needs a hand clean after to make it look mint!
  clio 182 & Fiesta RSTurbo
Well it can't do that much damage as polished bliss cleaned the engine bay of a 6month old lamborghini........

  Mk2 Ph2 Clio II 1.6 16v
Do it with a warm engine, never a hot engine...
Don't let the coil packs, alternator and ECU get soaked wet, let it dry before starting up and you are good to go, to be honest I've never used high pressure because I clean my engine bays every month so they never get too dirty...
