Just use cling-film to cover the delicate bits i.e. battery, fuse box etc.
Yeah it is reasonably hard,
As for the engine bay , If your worried cover battery and any visible gaps to (coils)Plugs etc
In the VW tho i would just sprinke some foam in there then wipe down with a damp rag shoul do the trick with some AG EAMC .
JMR for a good long lasting product on all black plastics ETC sourch yourself some 303 Aero that stuff is the bee'z knee'z
Red has no clearcoat on it which is why it's prone to oxidation.
I'd be careful about hosing the engine tbh, better off using a vapouriser and working on small areas at a time. After you've finished take it out for a rag and dry it all out.
That is Pink heheI've been after some of that! AG V&R at mo.
Adam, my last ride before the 172......not pink Bomb-proof car, what a great engine that had.
have any you guys got before and after pictures of ur engine bay