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Essex meet 05/04/14

  172 Cup & Mini C 1.6
Right guys im gonna be at rayleigh weir at 4pm so ill see you there whoever will be joining me
  172 Cup & Mini C 1.6
1. Kyle 86
2. RyG
3. tcedan
4. Fantom
5. Scattle
6. Rs1an
7. Racy blue
8. Dmallett
9. Danny170403
10. AndyyH182
11. MissPeachy
12. Brian (maybe)
13. AlexW
14. Dr Jekyll
15. R6BBA
17. Richard102
18. hiben1
19. Tyler
20. Twolanewill
21. Scattle
22. Tuffsy33
  172 Cup & Mini C 1.6
1. Kyle 86
2. RyG
3. tcedan
4. Fantom
5. Scattle
6. Rs1an
7. Racy blue
8. Dmallett
9. Danny170403
10. AndyyH182
11. MissPeachy
12. Brian (maybe)
13. AlexW
14. Dr Jekyll
15. R6BBA
17. Richard102
18. hiben1
19. Tyler
20. Twolanewill
21. Scattle
22. Tuffsy33
23. Parispeach
24. Terrydb
  172 Cup & Mini C 1.6
1. Kyle 86
2. RyG
3. tcedan
4. Fantom
5. Scattle
6. Rs1an
7. Racy blue
8. Dmallett
9. Danny170403
10. AndyyH182
11. MissPeachy
12. Brian (maybe)
13. AlexW
14. Dr Jekyll
15. R6BBA
17. Richard102
18. hiben1
19. Tyler
20. Twolanewill
21. Scattle
22. Tuffsy33
23. Parispeach
24. Terrydb
25. 19mat


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio V6, M3, X5
I'll in but does anyone know if there's any speed bumps at the venue as I've just put a new splitter on (again) and would like to keep it for more than a day.

Unless someone wants to come round and wind my KW's back up a bit for me lol.
  172 Cup & Mini C 1.6
I'll in but does anyone know if there's any speed bumps at the venue as I've just put a new splitter on (again) and would like to keep it for more than a day.

Unless someone wants to come round and wind my KW's back up a bit for me lol.

You will be fine darren. No bumps around there :)

rs 1an

South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
I'll in but does anyone know if there's any speed bumps at the venue as I've just put a new splitter on (again) and would like to keep it for more than a day.

Unless someone wants to come round and wind my KW's back up a bit for me lol.
Hi none in the riverside carpark some nice ones in the retail park opposite though :race:
  Smurf R26R 450bhp
Might have to give this a miss as car may not be done in time will know later this week for sure tho
  Smurf R26R 450bhp
Spoke to Paul today hasn't started it yes as all bits just got in, but one of his mechanics has gone sick just my luck
  Smurf R26R 450bhp
Smurf should be back next Friday so will have time to put cage back in lol and wash it


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Alex_W I am trying my hardest to get it sorted by next week but I'm pretty sure it won't happen with the pace my new parts are being delivered. Everything keeps busting!

Need to sort the decat too!
